Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Terrible Thing


  1. Glenfilthie7:52 AM

    Last night I was up because I’d over dosed on coffee the day before. I was on my cell phone bible app where they have all the versions and reading plans and all kinds of other things related to it. One of the plans was about enemies of the heart... and it was so well done that really made me think. I was raised by militant atheists, and was one myself until just recently. These people have absolutely no idea what they are throwing away... and they’ll throw it away for their kids and deprive them of it too, without a second thought.

    It’s a tragedy...

    1. It is Glen. The reality is that will impact generations to come.

      But it is hard, right? Hard to turn all that over. Hard to believe God will give us the best, when we "interpret" what His best will be - in other words, how much will God deprive of for my wants and desires? What little bit will He leave me with? (The issue is not that at all, of course. God desires to give us more than we can possibly, in our selfish ideas, imagine.)


Comments are welcome (and necessary, for good conversation). If you could take the time to be kind and not practice profanity, it would be appreciated. Thanks for posting!