Saturday, December 31, 2016

On Fulfillment and Bracing

"The right shot at the right moment does not come because you do not let go of yourself. You do not wait for fulfillment but brace yourself for failure." 
- Master Awa Kenzo (Zen in the Art of Archery)

My last parting shot for accomplishment for this year past and this year coming derives from the above statement in Eugen Herrigel's Zen in the Art of Archery.  Herrigel, who lived for several years in Japan in the 1920's studied kyudo (The Way of the Bow) as part of his quest to understand Zen.  His text chronicles the process he went through to achieve both mastery of the bow and mastery of Zen.  

I had read the book some years ago when I got it but picked it up again to fill a few hours during the holiday.  What I never saw before leaped out at me (always the way with the greatest of books, there is something new to be discovered).  The most prominent of them is the above quote.

"You do not wait for fulfillment but brace yourself for failure."  How often and how much this is true in my own life.  How many times have I picked up something - with the thought in my mind that it is not going to go well?  How many times - more true now than ever, it seems - have I started something with the thought in the back of my head that this is ultimately going to go nowhere, to end up as a waste of time and energy? 

I subconsciously knew this.  But the Master's quote put it all into perspective.  I can now see myself, every time, bracing myself for failure rather than waiting for success (fulfillment, if you will).

How do I overcome this?  The Master in Herrigel's book gave suggested the sort of thing a Zen master might:  Herrigel must learn to do things purposelessly and aimlessly.  Only by letting going of himself - by not trying specifically to hit the target with the arrow - will he learn to hit the target with the arrow.

Alas, I am no Zen student and purposelessness and aimlessness are not things that I can readily apply to my daily life.  What I can manage - and in some small way perhaps this is what is being gotten at - is worrying less about the result and more about simply doing my best.

This does not obliterate the need for practice and hard work of course, nor does it suggest that I should not be aiming for something (even the Master acknowledged that ultimately they were shooting at a target).  What it does mean is that I need to be less concerned with the final results before the final result comes:  in other words, waiting for fulfillment (achievement, accomplishment) instead of bracing myself for the failure I have so often felt was inevitably going to come.  If I just changed these two expectations, what would things be like?

I am not sure that this resolves the whole issue.  What I am sure of is that we never "brace" ourselves for something good - and if that is what we find ourselves doing all the time, something needs to change.

Friday, December 30, 2016

On Control and Choosing Goals

One of the things that has confronted me in terms of my goals and what I have and have not accomplished is how I am deciding on them, specifically on what I am able to control.

This has become a shining beacon as I look through past years and see what I have and have not achieved.  Essentially, anything that is 100% in my control can get achieved (e.g.the only thing that stands between myself and the goal is my effort or lack thereof).   As the goals move less and less under my control - say on a gamut from spending (which is partially under my control) to finding a new job (over which I exercise a very limited amount of control) the success level also becomes less and less.

This puts me in a rather unfortunate paradox:  on the one hand I can choose things which will I have the greatest likelihood of accomplishing, on the other hand some things which truly need to be accomplished are not necessarily the sort of thing that I have 100% control over.  

So how do I set goals - or at least, how do I set goals such that I have a likelihood of accomplishing many of them (good for encouragement and continued effort) while incorporating those which I will have a much more difficult time accomplishing (and thus feeling defeated when they do not get done)?

I suspect the key lies in choosing the correct ratio - that is, choosing goals that are mostly within my control but including one or two stretch goals which are outside.  I still get all the benefits of hitting everything under my control but also keeping the ones that are "not urgent but important" (to quote Steven Covey) on the agenda as well.

Ultimately the target is to hit everything that I have identified as a goal for the year, doing my best to eliminate the obstacles to where the only obstacle remains myself.  Perhaps I am shying away from a slightly bigger reality, that of teaching myself to work slightly beyond myself to reach the goals that ultimately will make the lives of others better - as well as my own.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

The "Worst" Year Ever

I find myself shuffling through the slushiness of poor perspectives.

The death of Carrie Fisher seems to be the proverbial straw breaking the back of the camel.  The cry "2016 is the worst year ever" and "How could you 2016?" are now replete upon the Interweb.  To judge by the outpouring of angst, this seems to be labeled as "the worst year ever".

What it really seems to reveal is more about our own myopia.

One hardly thinks that this year could be labeled as worse than the years 1346-1352, the years of the Black Plague.  That was pretty bad.  The years 1939-1945 come to mind as well if you were almost anywhere living in the world.  For that matter, the years just prior to that - 1929-1933 - were no walk in the park either.

For more fun, here by the numbers are the 10 deadliest natural disasters of all time (courtesy of Wikipedia)

RankDeath toll (estimate)EventLocationDate
11,000,000–4,000,000*[1]1931 China floodsChinaJuly 1931
2900,000–2,000,000[2]1887 Yellow River floodChinaSeptember 1887
3830,000[3]1556 Shaanxi earthquakeChinaJanuary 23, 1556
4450,000 (242,000–655,000)1976 Tangshan earthquakeChinaJuly 28, 1976
5375,000 (250,000–500,000)[1]1970 Bhola cycloneEast Pakistan (now Bangladesh)November 13, 1970
6300,000[4]1839 India cycloneIndiaNovember 26, 1839
7300,000[5]1737 Calcutta cycloneIndiaOctober 7, 1737
8280,0002004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunamiIndian OceanDecember 26, 2004
9273,400[6]1920 Haiyuan earthquakeChinaDecember 16, 1920
10250,000–300,000[7]526 Antioch earthquakeByzantine Empire (now Turkey)May 526

I am pretty sure any one of these years would also qualify as the worst year ever for anyone involved.

Sadly, we have come to colloquially define catastrophic events not in terms of their actual outcome and impact but the perceived impact to our personal world view.  Our "heroes" (I use the term loosely) die and so the year is awful: our memories are assaulted, our nostalgia is ruined, and so we use words which really should be reserved for the significant things to define those that are not significant.  We care not for the past and so ignore it; we care not for the world around us and so we forget it.

The sad reality, of course, is that by wasting such definitions on things that while individually tragic do not rise to the level of true tragedy, we discredit the use of the words themselves and, if we are not careful, we lose the ability to differentiate the truly awful from the temporally sad.  

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

On Death

We believe our time
to be greater than it is;
many are surprised.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Hope, Belief, Accomplishment

When measuring results against aspirations, what becomes somewhat obvious is that besides action two critical elements are hope and belief.

This will, I think, surprise many who would seek measure that ability to improve and accomplish things. The idea that something as ethereal as hope or belief is a critical part of accomplishment may seem counterintuitive.  It is not something that can be easily measured or programmed into a planner or mapped out into a series of actions.

Why, then, are they critical?

Hope is the knowledge that something is possible, that something better than what is currently in existence can be made or created.  Without hope, there is ultimately no ability to believe - after all, what is one believing in except that which already is?  And without hope, any attempt at accomplishment will eventually succumb, because all the effort will be seen as plunging into a vacuum which can never offer a return.

Belief is the understanding that one can do what one has set out to do.  It is the acceptance as fact that the thing is going to be done.  It has been called "psycho-cybernetics" or "visualization" or "pictures of what you want in your planner" but it all has the same end:  the firm understanding within the heart and mind that the possible will become the concrete.  Without belief, one's actions tend to wander and be dispersed because one does not believe that the thing can be accomplished -putting action into something that one does not believe one can do will rob the activity of the fuel that makes it possible to persevere in the cold dark of wasted effort.

I write this out of the hard coin of experience: what I hoped I could do and believed I could do always got accomplished.  That which I had little actual hope in or any belief that I could do it always eventually grinds to a halt or gets lost in a series useless actions that I seem to try repeat over and over - getting the same result every time.

One thing that is also important is that this hope and belief cannot be based on the idea that help will come from others.  Oh, help will undoubtedly come from others, sometimes in the most unlooked for and strangest of ways - just as obstacles will also come in the same way.  And counting on others to generate that hope or belief will pass the power of accomplishment outside of one's control, often dooming the effort to ultimate failure.  If we cannot fuel the actions needed to succeed in the hour of darkest need, our efforts will inevitably fail.

So it matters - at least to me -as I look to building next year's goals.  It is not enough to put them down on a list or even place dates next to them.  Do I have hope in them?  Do I believe I can accomplish them?  If not, I condemn myself to another cycle of feeling like I am making progress when in fact I am accomplishing very little, a sort of cyclical running in place where I desire to do much but actually accomplish very little.

Monday, December 26, 2016


Silence brings clarity.
Clarity brings resolve.
Resolve brings action.

Be Silent.
Be Clear
Be Resolved.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas 2016

Because there is a reason for the season:

"Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.  And this will be a sign to you:  You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manager.

      And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying:  "Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill towards men!"  - Luke 2:  10-14

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given:  and the government shall be upon his shoulder; and his name shall be called Wonderful Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Price of Peace." - Isaiah 9:6

Nollick ghennal erriu! (Merry Christmas!)

Friday, December 23, 2016

On Hiddenness

I have come to realize that our culture - or perhaps myself, at least - has become confused about the nature of things being hidden and revealed.

We have come to accept and believe that everything we do should noticed - and potentially rewarded - at all times.  It is an outcome (perhaps a very logical one) of a technology that allows us to post anything and everything about ourselves at all times.  No more is recognition reduced to the off chance of a photograph that appears in a newspaper or a five second blip on the evening news;  now we can post - ourselves, without any intermediary or filter - everything that we are doing.

The unfortunate outcome of this is that it has bred the concept that everything we do is important enough to merit such attention.

Growth - as it has always been - happens not in the moments that are publicly on display but actually in the quiet parts of doing them.  We grow in practice:  the last set of twelve as we struggle to get the weight up and over the bar, the extra mile, the additional set of words that we review after we have already spent our study time.  This is no glamorous or fame attracting effort - no-one has ever made a video of themselves studying for thirty minutes to wild acclaim.

And during these - or even between the practices - things are hidden.  For example, the improvement of the physical body through exercise is slow and steady, and to somehow constantly being engineering ways to show off the progress is as crass as it is embarrassing - so it remains hidden beneath our work clothes.  And the same is true with most other practices and projects in our lives:  our progress is not visible even when the progress is being made.

This is hard - or at least this is hard for me - to accept.  It strikes me as odd that it would be hard for me to accept - after all, I was around long before social media was - but then again I was also very good at learning, and quizzes and tests are yet another measure of progress.  Yet time and time again my ego gets crushed when I feel like my "progress" is not being recognized.  I have lost the realization that in fact, perhaps progress and growth should of themselves not be public.

We are always amazed at the individual who, seemingly coming out of nowhere, sweeps in and dazzles with their unknown talent and skill.  Perhaps it is as much the sense that we can still be surprised by such things that thrills us as the raw talent displayed - more so perhaps, than the 5200 images we post about ever step of the way it took us to reach a far less taxing endpoint.

The takeaways for me:

1)  Accept that this is the way of it.
2)  Practice and grow in hiddenness.
3)  When the moment comes - which it inevitably will - let the outcome be the thing that impresses, not all the work that it took to get there.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Winter Solstice Haiku

The Winter Solstice
is every year's shortest day
and what that means is...

(even a haiku is too long?)

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

On Running In Cold

The cold lurks just outside the door.

I know I should run. It is good for me.  It conditions me.  It strengthens my heart and balances out my lifting.

I open the door and stand for a moment, the front planes of my face outside the intangible barrier of warmth the door frame represents.  Cold, says my nose.  Too cold, mutters the Brain.

I shut the door again.

I go back to the kitchen and start pulling things together for breakfast:  coffee, oatmeal, yogurt.  But somewhere far back in the recesses of my mind, somewhere behind the part the grumbles about the temperature, come the the thought "You should run".

I fiddle with the oatmeal for a second longer then sigh, turn, and go back to the door.  Upon opening, the cold is still there.  "See?"  says the Brain.

But the other part of my brain has taken over - is that you, Will?  While the Brain is sputtering about colds and lung infections the Will has taken over the motor functions.  Before the Brain has a chance to complain pajamas are off and running gear is on.

Will even finds the hat and gloves.  "Courteous", sneers the Brain.

Out the door the three of us go.  The Brain is still muttering about freezing temperatures and pneumonia; Will has already started moving the feet in the direction of the path we have taken for almost five years now.

At the bottom of the cul-de-sac on the first turn, the Brain mutters "Well, at least the sunrise is worth seeing this morning".

The Will only smiles.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Monday, December 19, 2016

The Winds of Winter

So Winter really blew in last night.

We got (as we sometimes do) what is called in these parts a "Blue Norther", a cold wind that blows in from the North rapidly dropping the temperature.  It really is a cold front of course, but "Blue Norther" sounds a great deal more poetic.

The cold (so far as I am aware) comes straight from Canada and blows south, which is not surprising considering the fact that there is really nothing between us and Canada except the Great Plains.  It comes on like a train:  suddenly the wind starts whipping the trees and the howling and the temperature starts to rapidly drop.  How rapidly?  From 71 F to 36 F in the course of an hour.

My pepper plants - the survivors of last years moderate winter - are already hanging with limp brown leaves (note to self: 1) Peppers will overwinter; 2) If overwintering peppers, plant them in something you can bring inside).  The garlic and onions standing straight up yesterday having fallen over (thought they will likely recover).  All the trees throughout the neighborhood which were still clinging to their semi-green leaves will be shedding them within the week, I trow.

Today was a balmy 25 F when we stepped out for church (with wind chill, 9 F) and is expected to reach a "high" of 34 before dropping down to 23 tomorrow morning (less wind chill factor, although at this point it is sort of a contest to see what it comes back at). The wind has not stopped blowing since last night, a cold dry wind that steals away the warmth and dries the skin in short order,

The bright point of these whole exercise in cold? The mosquito population may finally be finished for the year.  That may actually make the temperature trade off worthwhile.

Friday, December 16, 2016

On The Writing Of Blog Entries

Over the years I have changed when I write the blog.

Originally - wow, quite so long ago that I have almost forgotten - I wrote it when I felt like it.  Whenever the idea struck me.  This is not a very bad way to get started - but does not lend itself to a regular output.

The change seems to have happened around 2008 when I actually started blogging on a regular basis - probably, as I think back, synonymous with my change in jobs such that I was not having to get up at an incredibly early hour to commute.  This is when we moved into the phase of blogging every week day.  When did the blogging take place?  In the morning, before I left for work (I think this is where the tradition of always publishing at 0400 Pacific Standard Time came from).  Blog entries were done as part of the morning routine prior to getting ready for work.

Which was successful - so successful that it ran for seven years before events intervened - simply put, with a change in commuting and being responsible for ensuring certain smaller members of my household got to school on time, I found my mornings getting time crunched.  Which has brought us to the third version of the blog:  writing the day/night before the post.

I have somewhat mixed reactions about this. On the one hand, I almost feel as if I am losing the spontaneous nature of my writing - before I would just get up and write whatever came to mind.  Now, some level of thought (perhaps not much, to be fair) goes into the post.  On the bright side, it can give me a greater amount of time to think about what I am posting and occasionally even come up with a good idea - and the time to develop it.

It has become a discipline, this writing five days a week, much as I am sure writing any daily newspaper column has become.  It would strike most people funny that a weekday that I am not writing is a very odd day, almost uncomfortable.

Were anyone to ask - if they knew I actually wrote the darn thing - I am sure that question would be "Why?"  Not a horrible question - after all, I have stuck with this far longer than would seem reasonable if one was going to become a "break-out" writer (having outlasted many of my contemporaries)  and I long ago made a conscious decision to derive no funding from the ever helpful "Alphabet Ads" that are suggested to me.  This exercise consumes an 1% of my weekly time of 168 hours (1.5% actually) - not much I suppose, but something to someone who always feels as if there is a little more I could be doing.

Why?  I suppose because of a certain innate stubbornness inside of me that tells me to write, that as long I write - anything, even this - I am a writer.  And, truth be told, that somewhere inside there is still that nascent hope that if I keep writing enough, maybe that is what I will ultimately be.

But as I think about it - or really as I stream-of-consciousness-ruminate as I am write - I find a second reason as well:  the simple fact that as long as a writer has readers - even the ones that manage to show up accidentally or flood one's site in hopes of advertising their wares - one has the chance to make a difference.  To change a life.  Maybe just to get someone to think in a way they have never thought before.

It has become a discipline, this writing five days of seven, an exercise in determination and perseverance and hope - for myself, that something good eventually  does come out of it.  For you my readers, that perhaps something I say will make a difference in your life.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

An Open Letter to Director Bortnikov

To:  Alexander Bortnikov, Director, Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation

Dear Sir:

I note with some interest the activity on my blog on yesterday, 14 December 2016 at approximately 1700 Pacific Standard Time.  The graphic below represents the issue at hand:

You will note the spike of 641 hits at one moment with the very dark green indicating the country of origin of the views.  It appears that there has been an attempt to view my blog multiple times from a single country - the country, it turns out, which you are employed by.

Please understand that I appreciate the support - after all, I am small blogger and a spike like this (which seem to occur with some monthly frequency) will put me up above 100,000 views after 8 years of writing more quickly than anything.

That said, I fear that such activities will prove to be a poor investment of resources on the part of your department.  I am, as I have said, a small blogger with a limited following.  A review of my postings will reveal to you that I am a mildly depressed individual that spends probably more time than I ought to pondering things and trying out different ways of gardening, making cheese, and practicing swordsmanship. And writing fairly unmemorable poetry and perhaps only slightly less forgettable haikus.

If you and your department are seeking to build international relationships and cross-cultural ties, you will find no larger fan of the effort than myself - and if that is the intent, I would appreciate any feedback about what I could write about which would help to build those relationships.  If, sadly and on the other hand, your department is looking for anything else, I fear you have wasted time and effort.  I would direct your efforts to a more highly frequented blog or website with more valuable information.

In the spirit of international co-operation, I would less than a good neighbor if I failed to point that out.

Your Obedient Servant,

Toirdhealbheach Beucail

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Today's Lack Of Post... brought to you by the Misplace Wallet trick, which involves getting home from Iai class, looking in the pocket in your gym bag where you have put your wallet for the last 7.5 years, not finding it, looking through the bag (twice) and the car, then driving back to the studio to look there (and have it not be there), followed by driving back home, looking through the car yet again, going in, pulling everything out of the gym bag....

...and finding it in the main compartment.  Sigh.  That was 40 minutes of driving I will never have back....

Thankful I found my wallet.  A little cranky at myself for not completely emptying the bag to start with...

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Monday, December 12, 2016

On Continuing To Grow Up

Sometimes I am still surprised when I suddenly discover I have grown up about something.

You would think that most this would have already been done.  Growing as a person - certainly I can see that.  I value it as a personal trait (most rational people do).  But still growing up - shedding something was an unreasonable thing or seeing the world in a more clear light or realizing the responsibility really is  yours?  That surprises me a bit.

There is a bit of a let down, of course - after all, we like to think that we have gotten through most of that at this point in our lives.  But then we realize that no, we have not.  There are fantasies that we cling to long after they have passed, narratives that simply no longer make sense in the circumstances that face us.  And having realized such things we can never go back at this point.  The way forward seems perhaps clearer, but also perhaps colder and a little more calculated.

One begins to second guess one's self:  are there other things that I am equally unaware of?  Other places that I continue to dwell in simplicity and hope where clear eyed reality is what is called for at this point?  Places where I have stubbornly failed to see what is actually occurring or missed not-so-subtle clues as to the way things are?  There are, I am sure.

The sad part to me is that moments like these are the equivalent of the moment after the sword draw or the second after the arrow is released:  everything has changed and it simply cannot be undone.

Friday, December 09, 2016

On Not Communicating

Something seems to have passed, or rather have become embedded, in our modern discourse: the unwillingness to discuss matters.

It has its origins in the rather bitter climate of politics over the last years:  people began using charged words instead of discussing matters.  Words became the weapons of choice, flung out with same sharp staccato as gunfire, the injury being done perhaps before the victim knew they had even been hit.

What was the response?  Twofold.  On the one hand, people began to not discuss matters in the presence of others.  They would simply listen as the discussions happened around them and make non-committal sounds, stay silent, try to change the subject, or just move out of the conversation.  One the other hand, the discussions within the groups that did believe as they did became more heated, more intense.  more about the "fill-in-the-blank-with-uncomplimentary-personal-comments" side  ("idiots" was probably the least offensive term used).

The U.S. election happened of course, and all of this from the last 16 years (yes, it goes back that far) was trotted out for the entire world to see.  Words had moved beyond bullets though:  they were now napalm weapons, bunker busters, meant to lay waste to whole populations (intellectually speaking).  The intent to understand or reason was completely removed; all that remained was the need to destroy the opposition for the intent of victory, to shut them down as a legitimate voice.

So here we are.  The election is done. And yet, things seem worse.

On-line media has lurched into the bottomless pit of trying to decide what constitutes "legitimate" news while carefully avoiding the question of the bias that gathers and generates that news.  Social media has become less about sharing and more about expressing one's self in ways that will not get one banned or will count coup on the other side - or simply going off somewhere else altogether.

The individual's response?  There are two that I have seen.  For some, they seem to have doubled down on words as weapons - to the point that one almost shudders to read or hear anything from them.  For others, they have simply stepped out of the communication time line that is modern society and simply do not engage. For some of these it takes the shape of choosing to communicate in such a way that they are producers of content but not of discussion, for others it is limiting what they speak of and respond to, for others simply to not communicate at all.

The last category is the most concerning because it represents the greatest danger to any form of human government.  If we have reached the point where words are only weapons and not tools of communication and discussion and reasoning and people are responding accordingly, then we have become no different than any society that has decided its tools of agriculture or building are really nothing more than potential weapons of war to smash the other side into submission.

If this is truly the case, then it is only a matter of time before we get there.

Thursday, December 08, 2016

Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Kihon, Henka, Bunkai

In my martial art (and in at least one other I know, so maybe it extends to all martial arts) each kata (or technique) has three parts:

1)  Kihon - This is the approved form of the kata in question, the one that is to be taught and learned, the one that may have been handed down for hundreds of years.  This is the one done when a demonstration (embu) is being performed.  There are ideally no differences between eras or practitioners when doing this:  this is one way the kata is to be done, the essence and purity of the form itself.

2) Henka - These are variations of the kata in question, slightly different techniques:  a different step, a different cut, perhaps even the defender winning (instead of losing).  There can be multiple different variations but all trace themselves back to the original kata.

3)  Bunkai  - This is combative application, the kata put into the context of an actual attack and defense.  It may include variations and the purity may be largely forgotten (speaking from experience, when defending from an actual attack your blocks become less high and your cutting angle is far less precise).  The point is to apply the kata in simulated attack; in other words, to successfully win by killing or defending (and then killing).

For the most part we practice kihon - both the essence of the art as well as the most difficult to master (there are always small things that can be made better; any martial art is truly a lifetime project).  We occasionally practice henka, not so much to learn them as to train ourselves to think in terms of fluidity and adaptation - ultimately to win or excel in bunkai.

It occurred to me that just as in iai, I can get my focus in the wrong area.

Too often in my own life I attempt to practice things the way they should be practiced - perhaps even the way others have told me to do them.  I work, and then perfect, and then work some more.  Sometimes I get so excited I get off into variations or even into practical applications - and it is in all of this that I lose the ultimate purpose I should be aiming for.

All of these are not ends to themselves; rather, the purpose of them is to teach me to think - yes, about the correct way to do things and adapting to variations in how to do things and even in practically doing things but even more so, about being able to take all of the inputs of my life and expertise and practice I have been performing and use it in my life in a way that is fluid and strategic and adaptive and flexible.  I forget the ultimate aim, perfecting one's self, in the overload of doing things for a particular end.

Without practicing each kind, I will never become skilled - yet by not incorporating all into the larger whole of my life, they remain merely techniques to be practiced rather than skills to be used.  It is a balance - but much like a sword, there are two sides of it.

Focusing on one side does not make the other disappear.

Monday, December 05, 2016

Reflecting On The Upcoming Year

My reflections on goals and mission for the upcoming year (and years) continues apace.

One thing that has come out of this reflection to date is that more than likely the direction is very different from what I had expected.

The primary focus (personally, at least) is really for 2018. I want to go train in Japan.  That, of course, takes money:  money to fly, money to train (not all that much really).  But a concentrated effort to save is what will be required - and concentrated effort to improve my iai (and Japanese) and the physical fitness to support the training.

Which itself introduces other implications.  Time and money have to go towards those, which means time and money will probably fall away from other things.  As I have thought it through, it probably means my Highland Athletics will be less this year than years past.  And possibly a year skipped doing an Obstacle Run.

As I have continued to think, my world has contracted as well.  It started with Facebook but has been slowly extending itself towards anything resembling current events. . I am spending less and less time there now than in times past; quite likely once we get past the inauguration it will drop off entirely.

We have become firmly ensconced in our church at this moment, so more time will be spent in service and growth (as it should be).

With our managed budget and more of inward focus, items of the house now go on a list and projects will need to be addressed.  Some of these I cannot do myself; others, simply because of cost, I will have to figure out for myself.

Financially we are beginning to migrate to the point that college and retirement savings are becoming more relevant.  This means that spending on the whole will be a great deal more constrained and focused (plus going to Japan - did I mention that?).

In a word (if there is such a thing for this) I foresee next year and possibly the years beyond as becoming more focused and centered around a much smaller group of ongoing events.

Does it mean that all new things are now removed from consideration? Of course not.  I still have plenty of things I want to learn and, as a generalist, I really cannot focus on just one thing.  But the inter-relationship of those things are becoming more critical and the ability to sustain things are not related to the core is becoming a great deal more difficult.  Simply put, the time and money are not there.

I will be honest:  unburdening myself from the sense of having to finish books and maintain my website has been one of the most freeing activities I have felt of late.  My boundaries of what I am able to do and consider have expanded a great deal. This, combined with the change in jobs and commute time, has made a significant change in my life - the first one in almost seven years.  I sense that more of this is coming.

It has been a good period of reflection. And it is likely that things will change yet again before the end of the month.  But things are changing.  I feel it in my bones as clearly as I can see the leaves falling from the trees.

Friday, December 02, 2016

More Friends, Less Friendship

 One of the larger differences I have noticed since I switched jobs is how my friendship quotient seems to have dropped a great deal.

The good thing about working with one's, well, you work with your friends. You get to spend 8+ hours a day in the company of people you actually enjoy. Work becomes, if not a little easier, at least a little more enjoyable.

It all holds together, of course, until you leave that job. Then, just like countless other times in school or college, you get busy and they get busy and suddenly there is a gap which usually keeps expanding. What is annoying and a little concerning is that I find that this gap has expanded to encompass larger portions of my life.

Some of it is due to distance, some to activities that meet only certain times of the year. The outcome has been the same – in some ways, I have not felt this lack of deep friendships in some time.

Oddly enough, I am “friended” up on a certain social network site. Which is nice - I actually probably know more people than I ever have and probably interact with more folks than I have in many years. But that deep level of friendship, those hours of conversations, those shared experiences and stories – all lacking at the moment.

A fair amount involves me, I am sure. Just with work and family, I have become as inaccessible as I may have ever been, which matters for friendship. And I certainly respect (now more than ever) the boundaries of others with their families and their work and their own lives. But the margins seem increasingly thin looking forward.

I would like to say I believe this will change but I am unsure how, given that I do not see the catalyst for that change: I will continue to work where I work and have the hours that I have and have the family I have with things wedged in at the edges. Given that, where does such a thing pop up?

Thursday, December 01, 2016

On The Breaking Apart Of Things

Sometimes I believe we miss the moment of inflection, when things begin to break apart.

I suspect this is because we largely do not want to see such things.  We are, on the whole, a species that likes to see things going well, not going poorly.  And society certainly does not prepare us for such things:  we learn very well how to fall in love and be a team mate and to "come together".  We are not very well prepared for how things end and what signs to look for.

An example at this point might be helpful.

Way back in the yonder years (before this blog, even) I had a friendship that I had held - a close friendship - for over 10 years.  This was the sort of person I spent a lot of time talking with and doing things with, walking miles and miles in conversation and dreaming.  The sort of person that you envision one calls "brother", that one holds as a "friend for life".

But something changed.  Our lives were beginning to move in different directions.  I could feel the beginning of the pulling away, but saw it purely through a career lens:  he was going one way towards what I believed to be a success, but which would cause our friendship to dwindle.  I did not want to lose the opportunity - or the friendship - and so The Firm was born.

Fast forward 16 months.  The Firm collapsed.  In what seems like a sudden development, the friendship collapsed in a timely fashion along with it:  within 4 months we never meet again, within 8 months we never communicate again (to this day, actually).  When I look back, I suddenly realize that The Firm (besides being a business) was a way - perhaps only for me - to breathe life into something that was passing on.  It merely prolonged its life for a while but did not stop the process from occurring.

The difficulty is that I saw the thing 16 months prior.  I sensed that something was changing - but put it up to the fact that my friend was moving into a career field and was going to be a success and I was going to miss it (he has become a success, a very good one, for which I am glad).  The reality is that things were changing and we were moving in different directions - but I had never really been taught or trained myself to recognize the difference between a breaking apart and a mere divergence of career paths.

I have become better attuned since then, I think.  Early on it was mostly through mistakes on my part, misjudgments, a certain "tone deafness" to what people were actually saying.  I believe I have become better recognizing such things as they occur now and am hopefully a little better  about managing my own part in the matter.

The problem, of course, is that you come to see the signs in places where you either did not expect or not intend.  You know the drill from that point, at least for yourself - although curiously you find yourself in the position of wondering if the others see the same sort of thing or are chalking it up to a passing phase or career change or something other than what it is.

I wonder, on occasion, what would have happened if I had recognized the signs on that February night and, knowing then what I know now, had been willing to step aside.  Beyond just the issues of a failed business and failed friendships:  how would I personally be different now if I was willing to accept that things break apart and simply moved on?

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

On Bunnies Eating

There is nothing quite as pleasant to my ears as hearing the bunnies eat.

Bunnies are quiet eaters; all you hear is the quiet crunching of the hay or the clinking as they push their food dishes are around a bit trying to get another bite.  They are quite dainty eaters as well:  unlike dogs, they eat their food in a dignified way, not casting it all about them in the course of trying to get it their mouths all at once.

Part of this comes from being prey, I suppose:  with their eyes on the side, they can quietly eat - a helpful trait if you are prey in the wild - while keeping both eyes on whatever danger may be close by.  But protected from danger - by living inside - it becomes a delightful and peaceful trait.

It is truly one of the most restful sounds in the world.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Monday, November 28, 2016

A Change of Goals?

An epiphany of sorts this weekend.

This week has been a little rougher than I anticipated for a short work week.  I am taking the completion of the my last book - and authorship in general - harder than I expected.  I am restless.  I am bored.

I look to my "goals" for next year and frankly, they do not excite me at all.  I realized that even if I accomplish every one of them,  my life will be in the same place this year as I was last year.  This was not really what I was hoping for.

Why?   The do not guarantee success, or even making progress.  They have become boxes to be checked upon completion.

Which, I realized, is why I liked things like Role Playing Games and school.  The goal is clear:  do this, do that, get reward.  Output equals input.  Life, however, seems to lack that kind of clarity and linearity.

My goals have fallen into two categories:  ones that I accomplish and lead to nothing other than accomplishing them and one that I do not accomplish because I do not control the circumstances to make them happen.

I cannot make myself a best selling author or church elder or vintner (yes, these were all thoughts once upon a time) or even financially stable.  I can run obstacle races or compete in Highland Games or make cheese - but those are one time events that do not seem to translate into my life getting better.

So how do I find goals that are mostly in my control and not just one time events?  This has become the question of the hour - or at least the question of December.

I need to find something or things that will move me forward (to something - but what?) and have milestones that I can see and shoot for, places where the inputs mean output.  The other option:  working where "promotions" happen randomly or finances matter except when they do not or writing into a void that swallows the words on the wind  things where all the effort in the world can very well lead to nowhere.

How and where do I find worthy and achievable goals, the sorts of goals that will actually move me forward?

Friday, November 25, 2016

Role Playing Nostalgia

Periodically I go through nostalgia periods.

I cannot really predict when they come on, nor can I really say what triggers them.  I think it is environmental factors:  maybe a long set of dull days or a series of tasks which are merely hum drum or even just seeing something that takes me back.

For me, most of my nostalgia revolves around role playing games.

The old style for me, right?  1979-1984, the high days of AD&D (first edition, thank you very much, when TSR still actually existed) and Gamma World and Traveller. Simple games, run with dice and pens and paper and miniatures and a whole lot of imagination.

There was kind of a group I played with from time to time but really it was usually just myself and my best friend.  Outside of running around in the woods, it was our next favorite activity.  We would play, and paint, and dream, and play more.  Our games were probably kind of silly to those that were "serious" players - we often bent the rules - but we had fun.  They were relatively innocent games - these editions, especially D&D, were largely before (I think) a great deal more focus on the bad side of things came into play.

Now, when I find myself bored or frustrated, I will start to think on those times, which leads to wandering through E-Bay and looking at everything on sale.  I start to remember, and then I start to build lists, thinking "Wow - would it be great to start collecting X or Y again".  It will take root for a few days, then I will pull myself back down to reality:  I need less, not more.  I do not have the time to invest.  And even if I did get them, I would most likely not play them but just read and enjoy like a novel.

And the nostalgia will get firmly tamped down, leaving the seemingly less exciting but much more real world on my doorstep, waiting with its duties and responsibilities and needs.

Notwithstanding, I still feel the call of adventure.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving Day Proclamation

Because we all need to remember;

George Washington's 1789

Thanksgiving Proclamation

Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor; and Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me to "recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness:"
Now, therefore, I do recommend and assign Thursday, the 26th day of November next, to be devoted by the people of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be; that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection of the people of this country previous to their becoming a nation; for the signal and manifold mercies and the favorable interpositions of His providence in the course and conclusion of the late war; for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty which we have since enjoyed; for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enable to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national one now lately instituted for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and, in general, for all the great and various favors which He has been pleased to confer upon us.
And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech Him to pardon our national and other transgressions; to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually; to render our National Government a blessing to all the people by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed; to protect and guide all sovereigns and nations (especially such as have shown kindness to us), and to bless them with good governments, peace, and concord; to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us; and, generally to grant unto all mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as He alone knows to be best.

Given under my hand, at the city of New York, the 3d day of October, A.D. 1789.


Wednesday, November 23, 2016

What Would I Like To Do Next?

So I am trying to think (slightly) ahead into the future.  About what I would like to do next.

If I stay in my career field (depending on which version of the 3, 4, or 8 year plan you are looking at) the changes I will have to relocate are pretty high.  Add to this that such a run of dates would put me at approximately 22, 24, or 28 years in the industry.  That is a long time to be doing one thing (for fun, throw in maximum age of Social Security and we are pushing 40 years).

Honestly, the thought does not excite me.  And this also presumes that I will actually be able to continue to find a job in my field, which is not a given due to age/salary issues  (experience counts for much less than it used to).  There is a fair argument to make that what I do cannot be "roboticized", but I am also wise enough to know that the future is uncertain and someone, somewhere, is probably working on this very algorithm.

So what do I want to do next?  I need to have some kind of options instead of having the choice made for me.  And fortunately at the moment, I appear to  have some level of stability and (with the tying up of some old projects) the time and energy to start investing in that decision process.

I do not have a good answer right out of the gate and I do not know that I need to, right at this moment.  What I do need to do is start addressing the fact that this future is actually coming up - and I can either be bored, be downsized, be moved - or be in control.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

A Visit To Cabela's

This Saturday, as part of the "I Had to Go South Anyway Through Traffic" day, I decided to stop at my local Cabela's.

I enjoy going to Cabela's  It is fun to walk around and look at the various items that they have for sale and price things out and even occasionally dream.

However, things were a bit noticeably different this time out in the camping section.  The section seemed much less full of items and of those items, most of them which were previously manufactured by various companies are now largely the Cabela's house brand.  Almost entirely:  sleeping bags, cooking items (smokers, meat preparers and the like), tents, etc.  Bright yellow tops and sides of boxes with "Cabela's" prominently labeled.

I am not really sure what to make of this except it really stuck out to me as something very different than the last time I visited (I think around six months ago). I do know that they were bought out by Bass Pro Shops some months back, and it makes me wonder (a bit) if this was an indicator to those who knew.  I would think that (generally) you go to your own house brand in an attempt to save money and keep more of the dollars you earn in your own pocket.


Monday, November 21, 2016

Budgeting: 2 Months In

So we are two months into our budget cycle.

The change, as you may recall, was moving to a regular pay schedule:  24 pay periods (twice a month) rather than every two week pay periods (which wreaks havoc on the ability to create a manage a budget).  The Ravishing Mrs. TB put it on a computer and now we are tracking to it.

What have I learned?

Overall, my numbers seem to be close.  The two numbers that were the most off were fuel (which kind of surprises me) and groceries (which really was a shot in the dark). To be fair, the fuel was a guess as well and I just guessed incorrectly - I guess we drive a bit more than I had thought.  As to the groceries, I will be fair: I am not the one who is responsible for cooking (I am the dish washing element of the meal time team) so perhaps it is not surprising that my grasp of the monthly food budget is a bit "off"...

Some expenses we are handling through the bank account; some, through cash.  Honestly I like the cash method better:  twice a month I make the appropriate withdrawals for the those categories that we keep in cash, and put them in the envelopes.  Spending becomes a breeze:  I know exactly how much we have for those categories and can judge what we can spend by what we have in the account.  Simple.

Are we making progress?  Some.  Maybe not so much as we like.  But the single biggest victory seems to be that, two months in, we are actually maintaining a budget and basing our spending around it.

And that, my friends, is progress.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Hymn From Moby Dick

I currently find myself reading Moby Dick by Herman Melville.  Call me unrounded, but this is one book that I have never read before.   I suppose it is just something that I missed along the way  - although so far, I am enjoying it much more than The Great Gatsby, which supposedly is The Great American Novel.

At any rate, in the early part of the book the main character (Ishmael) enters a chapel and sits for the service, during which a hymn is sung.  I enjoyed the hymn so much I thought I would share:

" The ribs and terrors in the whale
Arched over me a dismal gloom,
While all God's sun-lit waves rolled by,
And lift me deepening down to doom.

I saw the opening maw of hell,
With endless pains and sorrows there;
Which none but they that feel can tell -
Oh, I was plunging to despair.

In black distress, I called my God,
When I could scarce believe him mine,
He bowed his ear to my complaints -
No more the whale did me confine.

With speed he flew to my relief,
As on a radiant dolphin borne;
Awful, yet bright, as lightning shone
The face of my Deliverer God.

My songs forever shall record
That terrible, that joyful hour;
I give the glory to my God,
His all the mercy and the power."

Thursday, November 17, 2016

An Evening In A Used Book Store

Yesterday evening it was book selling day.

I am not a man that typically sells his books: for the most part, I hold on to them.  There is scarcely a book I own that I have not read more than twice (I really get my money's worth).  But I suddenly realized that a whole stack of them were things that no longer had purpose in my life:  some books on writing and a number of "success" oriented books, which mostly were the cheesy sorts of advice things that one reads once and is done with (trust me, all the good ones stayed).

As I was waiting for the grand accounting, I wandered up and down the aisles, sort of casually perusing the shelves.  I have three four sections I always hit - Fantasy/Science Fiction, Agriculture, History, and Role Playing.  The Fantasy/Science Fiction is almost never for new authors, more for the old authors that I love.  Agriculture has really trimmed down to some very specific finds (I have a surprising number of books on the subject).  Role Playing is really just looking for old Gamma World or D&D items (which I never buy, but always have fond memories flipping through).   History is the grab bag:  I often find something unexpected worth purchasing.

I found nothing tonight: partially a conscious choice (selling and buying at the same time), partly due to the fact that I really saw nothing I could not live without (well, maybe - I might go back this weekend...).  But once again I was struck by the sheer number of books and authors represented there.  Literally thousands of books and (probably) a couple of thousand authors represented - all marked down in price, some used having been read before, others completely new and never read at all.  It make feel a little better about ending the writing project - looking at the sheer volume of authors, one wonders:  Where are they now?  Are they still writing?  Probably some are, but just as many are not, having the "one hit wonder" equivalent of the music world and now quietly living out their existence as anything but a writer.

I am fortunate in that I have never found the enjoyment in reading electronic books that I find in actual physical books, so I have something to look forward to for years in every used book store I find.  But it is a good and humbling thing to be in a used bookstore as well:  when walking through one, I see physical representations of people's time and energy.

And I wonder:  knowing what they know now, was it worth it?

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

New Job Update

 So I do not know that I have done a job update in a while. I am approximately 3 months and change into it.

How is it going? Overall it continues to go well. Commute change has made a significant – and drastic – difference in my stress level, if not my overall time.

My job duties have continued to expand into areas that I had not anticipated. I have become not only the Quality person, but the Facilities and IT person. These were unanticipated developments and I am somewhat ambivalent about them. On the one hand it is keeping things interesting and developing a set of somewhat useful career skills. On the other hand, I am doing less Quality which is my primary business skill. Time will tell if this is a good thing – in the meantime I will continue to locate furniture, organize maintenance, manage IT facility systems, and do my “assigned” job.

We moved last week. It made me remember why I hate moving of any kind. All the pain of a home move and none of the control over what got moved (“Are we going to use this again? If not, why are we bringing it?”). The new location is much bigger and much nicer and will make a good location for many years for the company in its current incarnation.

So I am busy, stressed (but for different reasons) and have a shorter commute. And my boss is much better. Still coming on as a Win/Win.

Even if I have to reacquaint myself with the use of a crowbar...

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Winter Projects

So Winter seems like it is pretty much upon us.  My trips for the year are all done; nothing left to do but plan projects between here and February.

The garden is done for the year.  Garlic, onions, wheat, barley, spinach, leeks and lettuce are planted.  A little variation in how the planting was done and a lot less than I have done in years before (but more manageable, I think).  Citrus Trees to move in soon.

Cheese is on the agenda of course.  Now that throwing season is over I have my weekends back - not that you need a whole weekend to make cheese, but you need to be available at very specific times in making it.  So some experimentation there.

I suspect that (finally) cleaning the garage may become a thing this year.  Progress has already been made, and with the fancy new insulated garage door things are almost comfortable in there during the winter.  I would love to say the initial goal is to make space to at least fit in one of the cars, but let us just begin with "more organized and less stuff".

Lifting, of course. It is off season so plenty of that.  And Iai - but that is a daily practice.

And?  Not sure what fills in the blank here.  Writing should be largely done and budgeting...well, there is only so much you can do twice a month.  Reading, to be sure.  And I am seeing more going through things I own, more reviewing, more (dare I say it) downsizing?

Maybe not as much as I have done in years past - but things that need doing.  Baseline projects required to move the larger plan ahead.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Life Goes On

So now that we have reached the climax of the last 18 months, what to do?

The plans change a bit, I suppose - but the underlying principles remain the same:  Reduce debt.  Become more self-sufficient.  Become more disengaged from the culture-media ("Going Galt").  Strengthen my relationship with God.

I have a lot of reading to do in the near future - focused reading to be sure.  If I can have my way, lots of Loeb Classics of the Ancient World:  Quintillian.  Procopius.  Cicero.  And The Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire  by Gibbon.

I feel as if I need to refresh my understanding of the early years of the American Republic as well.  We are raising an increasingly historically illiterate generation who views history only through the lens of the modern world.  They need realize that facts underly events, not feelings.

Gardening of course.  And physical activity - no matter what ultimately happens in health care, the reality is that we are still the primary responsible party for our health.

If things happen that get more money in my pocket, great, We have a budget and places to allocate that money.  And certainly it will help move projects forward.

In other words, now that we are finished, it turns out nothing has really changed for me.  In other words, life goes on.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Do Not Feed The Flame

There is a certain part me that, in response to the election, feels like the adults are in charge again.

It is the same sort of feeling when one takes charge of one's own life - the sense of moving forward again, of purpose, of doing things that mean forward progress to get things done.

Obviously a large portion of the populace is not seeing it this way.  Their response - walkouts, protests, burning and violence - remind me of nothing more (and nothing less) than the tantrums thrown by a toddler who has not gotten their way.

The real question, of course, is how to respond to this.

I have change my philosophy on this. Originally (and possibly when Na Clann were growing up) I tried to reason with them, to explain, to justify.  But this (as you might imagine) was not always successful.  Why?  Because I was paying attention to the behavior.

Here is the reality, at least how I see it from my point of view:  this is occurring because it is believed that this will get attention, that others will stop and take notice and try and assuage the feelings and  perhaps even validate them.  The screaming, as with a child, is to get noticed.

So my advice to all of us is wherever possible,  deny it the attention it craves and get on with work that needs to get done.

Ignore it.  Do not engage.  Do not debate - I have come to understand that for a certain group of people, the word "debate" simply means a monologue in which they can overrun and devalue your thinking.  Win on the power of results, not the power of tantrums.

Where people try to argue, walk away.  If it means for a time pulling back from relationships or even moving on from them, so be it.  Simply put, to engage means to enable the behavior.  Do not enable this behavior any more than you would enable the behavior of a substance abuser or abusive spouse.

Here is the funny thing:  this sort of tantrum-like rage cannot sustain itself forever.  It has to have something to feed on (that fuel-flame-oxygen combination you all remember from basic safety).  The flame comes from within them, but the oxygen (attention) and the fuel (events) can be denied them.  And like flames, denied these it will eventually gutter and flame.

There is a lot of important things that need doing here. right now.  Frankly, the least we should all have time for is to feed the tantrumic explosions of child-like rage.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

And That, Friends, Was Facebook

I have not been on Facebook for approximately 36 hours.

Why the precise time?  Because I made a conscious effort not to follow anything and not to be informed of the result.  Thus, I missed what is an apparent firestorm occurring.  Hurtful, vicious things being said.  People stating that if someone voted the way they did not, to unfriend them (as a side note, have we now become so unmotivated that we cannot manage even our social relationships online?).

I missed it all, because I stayed away.  I had a relatively peaceful day of working through moving the office and enjoying dinner with friends.

I suspect I was not the only one that sat today out.  After all, who wants to log in to see how friends are doing and find vitriol facing you first thing in the morning?

Facebook, I fear though, is ultimately toast.

Many will quit.  Many will unfriend others - and then find themselves with nothing to follow up on.  Others will realize that the mere stream of photos and internet memes that are non-religious/non-political/non-anything is really just a sort of waste of time and that there are better things to do with one's life.

Farewell Facebook.  Thanks for introducing so many to the web.  And thanks for essentially becoming a photo album of the Internet.

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Understanding Going Galt

If you have spent time in certain circles, you have heard the term "Going Galt"  so many times in some many circumstances you are heartily sick of hearing the term.  If you have never read Atlas Shrugged or never frequented those websites, you might find yourself in need of a definition.

For years I had one that I thought I understood.  The thought was the idea of Galt's Gulch, of totally separating one's self from society and creating a society of like minded people based on the principles of independence, mutual respect, and rewarded labor.  Many people have worked with this definition in hand, and I applaud them for it (you will find some of them who have done so in the blog roll to the right).

It is a fine definition, but I always found that it lacked one thing:  an application for me.  I am not in a position to become independent and doubt I will be for some time (the story is long and involves responsibilities I took on and failed decisions that I consciously made).  It became a sort of pipe dream, the sort of thing that one alludes to as "someday" but in the heart one knows that it will never really come true.

I will be honest - I think this is many people's definition as well.

But as I have thought through this week and the tail end of an election and the myriad of potential futures - none of them great - I have come to understand a second meaning, one that anyone can begin to apply at any time.  The definition of not engaging in or supporting the system.

Not in the way most people think, by not paying one's taxes or blatantly ignoring laws.  Those are ultimately engaging in the system because the system has been created to address those sorts of things (and, for the Christian anyway, those are not really options).  No, it seems to be instead the separation of one mentally from the system.

I support the system and the society when I accept its entertainment, when I embrace its version of reality (news), when I buy into its morals and its thought patterns.  When I spend as others spend and make myself dependent on the social acceptance of others, I support the society.

The trick is simply to mentally - and physically where required - walk away.

Think about it:  even if I argue against something, a position that I disagree with or a thing that I find offensive, I am consciously giving that thing a legitimacy in keeping it alive and discussing it.  If I do not engage, I do not even give it the ability to be something of import - first to me, hopefully then to others.

My mental picture, if it works, is that of a wave hitting a beach:  if it hits a sand wall it directs its full force on it to tear it down but if it merely hits flat shores, it eventually extends itself to the point that  disappears into the sand underneath with only perhaps a wave mark or line of debris.  The sand remains; the ocean has disappeared from it.

In a bit of an ironic twist (for Rand the atheist, anyway), I think her thinking in this matter reflects the New Testament as well.  We are told to be in the world but not of the world, to set the cares of the world aside and focus solely on God and His approval.  The world and its things are to be something we use, not necessarily something we engage in.

This expands the definition so much.  Suddenly this is something that I - or anyone else - can do. Go about your life but do the minimum you need to engage in the society.  Save the effort, save the energy, for your own projects.  But deny that effort and energy to the world at large.

What would a nation look like if millions of people became the gray, faceless mask that lives quiet private lives of intensity and effort and mastery but lives public lives of doing only that which is needed and not supporting the society at large one iota more than is necessary?  I can only guess, but I suspect you find an underground economy and society humming with life and productivity while placidly quiet and minimalist on the surface.

Perhaps Going Galt is in the cards for many more of us than we first thought.

Tuesday, November 08, 2016

A Sort of Dropping Out

I have begun to think very seriously about completely dropping out of society.

No matter what the outcome of the election, I find myself increasingly removed from a society that has moved past me in terms of philosophy, morals, political understanding, economy, and the simple view of me as a person.  The outcome tomorrow ends up having very little to offer me.

But the modern world has very little to offer me either.

Conveniences?  Certainly.  And I like running indoor water and refrigerated food as much as the next person.  But the more important things of life - all of these, on the whole, modern society offers nothing more than a tangle of loud, bright, neon sounds that flash and trumpet but offer little substance.

I cannot change the laws.  I cannot change the outcome.  What I can do is change myself.

What is this looking like? I cannot total say, for the thought just occurred

I have a few ways.  Media, for sure - not just the cable I no longer have, but Netflix as well.  The media I have listened to for years driving to and from (somehow, I doubt there will be little enough I want to listen to in the news).  Sports - although again, not really an issue for me at all.

Internet?  Oddly enough, I will probably buck the trend:  more reading of blogs, less of news.  It will either be things I care not to hear about or impending cries of doom (that have gone on for a very long time indeed).

Books?  Oh, mostly old ones, thank you very much.  Other than histories and a few agricultural and artisan books, again I find that most modern books have little in them that I enjoy - and frankly, the past interests me more at this point.

I know what you are thinking:  what a quiet, solitary sort of life.

Quite possibly yes.  But my life is trending this way.  Outside of Iai and throwing and the gym and church, I spend little enough time out among the world unless I have to.  Home - an isolated home, pulled out of the mainstream of living - is a place I quite like to be.

I cannot fall back totally from the age I live in.  But I can divorce itself from as much as I can and still find - perhaps surprisingly to those who live in it - that a perfectly sane and peaceful and useful life exists.

Monday, November 07, 2016

Super Stone

Eighty two pound stone
hurled well over my height:
still surprise myself.

Saturday, November 05, 2016

A Project Termination

So somewhat unexpectedly I terminated one of my writing projects.

It was something that I had been holding on to, mindlessly sort of cranking out in a way.  It did not consume a great deal of time.  And it did not really cost me a lot of energy to do.

But I did find that it had reached the end of its useful life.

How do I know this? I track such things in my head (if nowhere else) and found that, much like all my other projects of late, it was simply not having the impact it either once had or I was hoping that it would have.  It had simply become a chore, something I had to do every week.  And for dwindling returns.

Again, a project begun in great hope and expectations, ending with a certain form of silence.

The biggest thing that suggests to me that this was the right thing to do?  Having done it, I find no grieving process going on.  Just a quiet sort of relief.

I will catalog, of course - no created work should be thrown away.  And I will finish my one outstanding project.  And with those two simple acts, that part of my life will simply fall away into the Internet stream.

Friday, November 04, 2016

November Rains

The November rains
sing out to  garlic and wheat,
who grow in return.

Thursday, November 03, 2016

Depression of the Unbeliever

The life of the unbeliever must be truly depressing.

Oh, I know.  They will never confess to it.  They will say that is we Christians who are fooling ourselves, who have turned away from reality.

But in fact, life without God is pretty depressing.

Oh, not the day to day existence.  That you can get by with well enough.  Heavens, there are whole days where even I forget that life can be hard.  But then something bad happens.  A terrible something, a tragedy.

The believer has ultimate hope in both the sovereignty of God over their lives and the assurance that, ultimately, everything will turn out alright.  But what does the non-believer have?  Nothing.  The stark, howling nothing of a universe that has nothing in it but natural laws.

The unbeliever cannot - really - take refuge in anything have a purpose either.  In the naturalist world, there is no purpose.  There is no karma, no fate.  There is merely the actual hopelessness of accepting that ultimately all this has no purpose - in 100 years after your death, you will not be remembered and for most, their efforts and contributions will have been in vain.

Not surprisingly, the believer attempts to whistle past the graveyard. Confronted with actually tragedy, most seem to try to slide around the enormity of the hollowness (which has always struck me as a little odd for those that present themselves as hard nosed realists).

Somewhat surprisingly, most Christians try to assist them in avoiding the issue.

Life without God should be depressing.  We need to be confronted with the hollowness of such a thing.  But the point is not to wallow in it; the point is to then point people to the One who can give it meaning.

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

On A Media Watershed

If nothing else comes out of this election cycle, I think it will turn out to be a watershed in how the media is viewed and acknowledged, at least in the United States.

By and large, the U.S. media has been revealed for the relatively tame, inefficient organ that they have allowed themselves to become. They have been completely – and utterly – outclassed by Wikileaks, who has relentlessly presented data which contradicts the story that has been presented to U.S. citizens, about how (by and large) things are pretty much okay and that the real point of the media is to act more and more as a sort of propaganda arm of the Government.

It is remarkable to think that we have fallen in only forty years from the heights of investigative journalism in Watergate to today, where this sort of journalism pretty much only occurs for “approved” sorts of things.

It has created a second conundrum of course: the Wikileaks documentation was all obtained by means which are considered illegal for you or I to practice as citizens. An even deeper conundrum occurs: the Wikileaks information has not (to date) been shown to be modified or made up. Tacitly, its validity has been verified, as no-one has offered facts to disprove it and in fact individuals have lost their jobs over it. And therein lies the most interesting of pictures: the institution called The Press, which is the Bill of Rights is guaranteed as a freedom, has turned out to bind its own freedom voluntarily and lost its relevance whereas Wikileaks, which has performed an effective crime, is freely distributing information.

Here, I think, is the relevant question: What would the Founders Say?

Would they decry an institution that has stolen information to make it freely available, information that (to date) shows the inner workings of an organization? Or would they decry the institution that has the freedom to operate but has abdicated its responsibility to become an arm of the government?

I am not the Founders and cannot respond for them. All I can legitimately say is that they had little patience with any group or organization that accepted the dictates of an authority that acted absolutely. If they saw it otherwise, they would have not enshrined such a right as a fundamental freedom.

Make no mistake: theft is wrong. But what has been revealed is little better – and in some cases rather worse – than the original taking of the information.

What does that mean for the American media? I think the ultimate outcome here is the almost default feeling that American media has simply lost all credibility, that they may be adequate as relating certain events but useless in terms of objectively assessing the events or even investigating events. From henceforth every time the question comes up, every time the media attempts to say “Behold our Brave Reporting”, someone will simply say “Where were you during the 2016 election?”

And most of the media will grimace, and sigh, and turn away.