Thursday, April 09, 2020

A Pleasant Sort of Equilibrium

One of the interesting discoveries two months into The Plague, is precisely the amount of human contact I need to make me happy.

I am pretty much seeing my immediate family 24/7 and will do so for however long this lasts - at least until 30 April (Thank you, your humble host called it).  Strangely enough, this has not been as grating on my people meter as I had anticipated.

There are a number of other activities that I participate in - church, church fellowship, Iai, the Rabbit Shelter.  I miss Iai a great deal, although (to be fair) we are training via online and while this is not a substitute for class, at least I am able to see everyone.  The Rabbit Shelter I am able to continue to go to once a week (essential business and all).  Church?  Surprisingly, I do not miss the people all that much - we have a service online so that is ongoing, but I am not altogether sad that I do not have to endure 400 + people in a room.

For the other part - work, gym, general population - I do not miss not seeing people at all.

This is fascinating to me. This is almost my ideal world in terms of personal contact.  Add in me not being located in the suburbs, and it would be ideal.

One thing of note is that I do not come home at the end of the day exhausted from personal contact. I am in a much better state of mind throughout the whole evening.

This, on the whole, has been an interesting and useful view into what really works for my personality.  I hope that I can capitalize on it.


  1. Glad to see that the plague agrees with you TB... ;)

    1. Glen, we are blessed in a lot of ways. We both still have our jobs, there is plenty of food, we have a roof over our head. In that sense - to this point - it has been an inconvenience. I am praying that is all it is.

  2. I'm getting by as well, TB. I don't need to be in the mix all the time; never have. I've got plenty to do at Rancho Whybother, as is usually the way of things. Working at home gives me a couple more hours of daylight; hours usually spent commuting. The gophers attempting to ravage the property are never out of range now, though they seem to have only two words to say to me... two words and one finger. The battle never ends... If the rain would stop I could actually get something done here...

    1. Pete, funny you mention the commuting time. I have noticed the same - even with my changed commute from four years ago, I still have an hour extra a day.

      Feel for you about the gophers. Fortunately, the only pests I suffer from here are snails and the occasional birds in my grains...


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