Friday, April 24, 2020

Snark And Social Distancing

Is it wrong that I am starting to enter the snark zone around all of this social distancing?

I am becoming convinced that if this is true now, why should it not be true after all of this "ends"?  Realistically, what changes - other than perhaps we do not have the active plague count that we currently have going on?  The reality is that most people's behavior will not change much - social non-distancing will become the norm again, people touching everything - all the things that we are decrying now, will be back in force in the (hopefully) near future.

The other thing I am probably pre-resenting (is that even a term?) is the inevitable call to "get out there and fight back for the economy".  I am not debating that the economy needs fighting for - Good Heavens, I of all people.  What I debating is that somehow the command that I go "spend" and "be out" because it is "the right thing to do".

Or, of course, there is the third option, which is simply go out but continue to wear PPE everywhere.  Wipe everything down before you use it.  Be the "mask and gloves" person that everyone else eyes with concern (or at least, eyed with concern) in the public place.  Which probably will be the most unpopular option, both because of the fact that it "lacks confidence" in the new order and makes people feel uncomfortable.

It is the moment that you realize that they maybe have convinced you - but really convinced you, logically, that things like that never make sense anymore.  If something is really true, then it is always really true.  The likelihood of communicable diseases does not go away with the absence of Covid-19, it just becomes not as newsworthy.

Build the economy.  Save jobs.  But do it remotely, or with proper PPE.

The reality of what people are wreaking has not even entered theirs minds fully.


  1. I've been arguing this point since Day One, TB. What has happened here is a complete rip-off of our rights and liberties. Oh, we'll get out there and "touch everything" again, and most likely without PPE. That obscure law will remain out there though. You know; the one where you get pulled over for speeding, and end up with the additional charge of "not wearing PPE." ...Low-hanging fruit of the revenue-enhancement tree...

    I'd say "People really need to wake up," but it's a bit too late for that already...

    1. Pete, I foresee this to. In my world, I am going to just go ahead and try and get as far out of the flow of people as quickly as I can. In the sticks, on your own property, you do not have these same issues.

  2. I & many others simply refuse to comply. The entire shut-down was unwarranted (for less than a 1% fatality rate? really?) and unConstitutional. Now we must continue the new behavior because of a proclamation from a bureaucrat? The medical studies are now indicating that masks, stay-at-home orders, and distancing are incidental to the results, rather than causative.

    No. I will not comply.

    1. You read and do you research Reverend. Most others - even the best intentioned - are now so committed to this that even in the face of other evidence, they will probably not changed their minds.


Comments are welcome (and necessary, for good conversation). If you could take the time to be kind and not practice profanity, it would be appreciated. Thanks for posting!