Friday, September 09, 2022

View(s) From The Top

 Four views from the top, actually:

The first is of the Kern River Valley.  Of note to geography enthusiasts, this is where the water flows east on the Sierra Nevadas, not west;

On the way up Mt. Whitney.  Literally above the clouds:

From the top of Mt. Whitney. Pardon the background noise:

This is as we hiked up towards High Desert:

This is on the last day of the hike, as we worked our way along the side of the mountains to Cottonwood Pass:


  1. I'm beginning to suspect that the reason you were slower than some wasn't due to anything physical but because you were always stopping to take pictures and videos! But I'm glad you did.

    1. Ed, that may be true. Alternatively, I may take lots of rest breaks - and then just take the pictures and videos. After all, have to record the experience...

  2. Beautiful scenery.

  3. I agree with Ed. ;-)
    But how could you not? God's creation is certainly amazing.
    Thank you, TB.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. Linda, there were so many more i could have taken - of course, my hiking progress would likely have been more like 3 miles a day...

  4. As said by others, truly beautiful scenery.

    My hindbrain woke up and decided to sing, "The Happy Wanderer."
    To get you all started, "I love to go a wandering, along the mountain track, and as I go I love to sing, my knapsack on my back....."

    Sometimes I need to have a meaningful chat with my hindbrain, but this time it was right on the money.

    1. It is funny how those songs just sit back there, ready to leap out at the right opportunity.


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