Saturday, September 10, 2022

Excurses: Fire

 As I write this (Friday evening) The Ranch is in some measure of peril.

The peril is a fire, which went from a fairly small blaze into a rather large on in a short period of time.

The main part of the fire - the threatening part - is about 5 miles from The Ranch as the crow flies.  The area is under mandatory evacuation, and Uisdean Ruadh and his mother have safely relocated for the nonce. 

It is inconvenient for me, as I am halfway across the country watching this and getting updates via the InterWeb and from friends.  It is far more real to everyone that has evacuated and will likely continue to evacuate over the coming days.  

If something changes - or nothing changes - I will certainly let you know.


  1. Nylon126:00 AM

    Prayers out for rain TB.

    1. Thank you Nylon12. They do seem to be impactful.

  2. I heard on the news that parts of that area are forecasted for heavy deluges and possible flooding. I don't know if that's better than fire, but either way, you've got my prayers for protection of The Ranch and for your loved ones and friends in the area.

    1. Thanks Leigh. This is rapidly shaping up to be the sort of once in a generation fire that leaves everything very different afterwards.

  3. Praying for you and yours.

  4. Hoping for cool and soggy weather!

    1. Ed, hopeful too - although the danger the onset of rain can bring is higher winds and lightening strikes - and not enough rain to compensate.

  5. I feel for you, TB. We were ringside for one of the fires out here in the Wild West this past week. It got to within a mile of me here at Rancho Ybother. All you can do is start wetting things down and hope for the best...

    Prayers your way...

    1. Wow Pete - that is far too close for comfort. The best I can tell from what I see this evening, the fire has somewhat stopped advancing in the direction of The Ranch and is moving the other way.

  6. Praying that it gets handled quickly and all is safe & sound!

    1. Thank you Hobo. The grown towards my parents' house seems to have been slowed by heroic efforts, but the fire rages on.

  7. Replies
    1. John, we are...fortunate? that I am half a country away. At this point there is literally nothing to be done. The good news is that the progress seems to be slowed in that direction.


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