Thursday, September 29, 2022

Orange Gourd Spice Season - Guinea Pig edition

 In the spirt of the Orange Gourd Spice season, I present here - for the first time since 2017 - two guinea pigs discuss the merits of the Orange Gourd Spice. This remains one of the most topical and meaningful discussions of the subject in my lifetime.  Run time 1:04.


  1. Nylon127:15 AM

    Thanks for the chuckles this morning TB, a good way to start the day......heh...heh.

    1. You are welcome Nylon12. I try not to post many videos, but this remains one of my favorites. If guinea pigs could talk, this is exactly what their conversations would sound like.

  2. With just a tiny bit of force, "Pumpkin Spices" can be traded for "Hallelujah" in the chorus by Handel.
    Filling in the rest of the lyrics I leave as an exercise for those more talented than I am.

    "Song lyricist" is nowhere on my resume.

    For extra credit, do you know how to tie a pumpkin to a string?

    Use a Gordian Knot!

    Cute video, I imagine the voices would be a bit higher in pitch due to tiny vocal chords.

    I tried changing the pitch without changing the tempo using Audacity, but I could not get it to work.

    1. Thank you John. I now have that earworm in my head. I would try and find it on the Interweb, but I bet some enterprising person has done it already.

      +1 on the extra credit. You can clean the erasers after class.

  3. Replies
    1. Ed, it really is just about my favorite video.

  4. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Great way to start the day with a good laugh! Thank you! :-)

    1. You are welcome Hobo. I go and look for it almost every year about this time. I laugh every time.

  5. I bought some pumpkin spice flavored coffee the other day because Dan likes flavored coffee and this is the pumpkin spice season! I have to agree with the guinea pigs on it though; barely any scent or flavor. In fact, boringly bland!

    1. Leigh, I often think it is truly a marketing tool. There are some legitimate pumpkin spiced items - generally, they involve actual pumpkin. Everything else is just artificial flavorings.

  6. Hilarious. Sniff sniff

    1. They are forever sniffing anything that gets close to them in hopes it is food.


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