Wednesday, September 07, 2022

A Friendly Marmot

As I was descending from Mt. Whitney (You can see Guitar Lake in the background), I saw a flash of movement. It was a marmot, the first one I had seen since we started hiking 5 days prior.  I took a picture from far away, hoping I would not disturb him:

I moved in closer, and he still seemed uninterested in me:

This is less than 6 feet away.  Apparently he was hoping I would be a potential food handout.  When I was clear I was just there for the picture, he went on his way.



  1. Anonymous5:18 AM

    "scuse me friend - I don't suppose you have a couple of peanuts on you ?"

    1. Pretty sure that was exactly what was going on. We saw several marmots after this one. They all looked...well fed.

  2. Once many years ago, we had a marmot break into camp while we were away, chew a hole in our food back and remove a dozen or so Jolly Rancher candies. We found all the wrappers along the shore of a nearby lake all in a neat pile.

    1. Huh. Neat creatures, apparently. Also, what sugar rush!

  3. With all the groups going up and down, there's a good chance more than one person has fed him.
    Great photos, TB.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. Linda, you are correct in that he had no fear of me as I got closer. It was only when I apparently had "nothing", that I was dismissed.


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