Sunday, February 25, 2024

God’s Purposes

Or as C.S. Lewis said in Mere Christianity, "There are only two kinds of people in the end:  Those who say 'Thy will be done' and those who say 'Thy will be done'. "


  1. Nylon125:44 AM

    Mr. Lewis nailed it with that statement however these days I wonder how many are conversant with either John or Judas.

    1. Fair point Nylon12. I think it would shock many that otherwise put Him to the sidelines or attic of their lives that they continue to serve His purposes.

    2. Anonymous12:05 PM

      Those CS Lewis quotes are interesting. But your reply to Nylon12 gave me pause. Thanks for an interesting moment of reflection.

      Kind regards,


    3. KA - As was predicted 20 years or more ago, we now live in a post-Christian society. Given the current trend, these names will likely be no more familiar in the West than those of other religions, other than as place names.

  2. Dang, Lewis throwing it down hard!

    1. John, I think I would go so far as to argue that Lewis is one of the pre-eminent Christian writers of the 20th Century, if not the pre-eminent writer. Yes, I know he was not a theologian and some feel parts of his theology were "fuzzy", but his ability to communicate on God remains unmatched.

      I belong to a group which regularly provides these sorts of things from Lewis, Chesterton, and MacDonald. Why do we not have men or women of their caliber writing anymore?

    2. Because we don't push our youth to think.


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