Friday, February 16, 2024

A Frustrating Day: Follow Up

Since I went to the trouble of posting about my frustrating day this week, I thought a follow on my be in order.

Dryer:  I was unsure if the appointment for the dryer had been "used up", as it were.  That said, I thought I could give it a shot myself (instead of rebooking).  Disassembly of the unit went as InterWeb instructions suggested:  I was able to dismount the back panel, remove the thermostat and connections, and even managed to pull the old element out.  However, I could not get the new element in without significantly bending it.

On a lark, I looked in the appointment calendar.  Nothing said the appointment was complete, so I went ahead and rescheduled the appointment.  The technician - the same guy - showed up late last evening, apologized profusely for the mistake in the addresses (we had a good laugh about it), and completed repairs.  As I write this, a load is running.

Of note, the gentleman is a friend of The Young Cowboy and has a handyman business on the side - and is local.  Good to know your neighbors.

Packing:  At the behest of some very wise thinkers, I completely took Wednesday off and busied myself with other things.  Thursday I re-approached the task, but with the sense of I was only going to do a certain number of boxes.  That continued to grow as I went, and now I am down to likely one or two boxes to pack (I ran out of packing tape, which effectively ended my progress).  

The next stage will be relocating the boxes to the Barn, along with any remaining furniture.


On the whole, I felt better about today - not the least of which was another phone interview for the second of the two opportunities that I have going (the first has seemingly disappeared).  The call was left on a positive note; I should be "hearing from the them" by early next week.

This was encouraging on a number of levels.  The first is simply that I may be hearing from someone.  The second is that if this does manifest, I will be within a long drive of The Ranch (also, interestingly enough, of the primary location of The Collapse).  I will also be in the same time zone, so even coming down for a weekend via flights becomes infinitely more doable.

And maybe that was thing that changed everything yesterday (as the interview was in the morning):  somewhat of a sense of hope and progress, instead of feeling trapped and at loose ends.


  1. Sounds like things have really turned around! It's amazing how circumstances affect us and how quickly it can change.

    1. Leigh, odd what a difference a day (more or less) can make.

      I certainly slept better as well.

  2. Nylon126:00 AM

    Encouraging news in this post TB, dryer up and running along with knowing a new tech that might come in handy (see what I did there?). Prayers out on that interview too.

    1. Nylon12, it actually feels like (for once) things are progressing.

      The handy man is a gift. Good people close by are great. I am working on building my list of folks to call.

  3. As someone who used to frequent auctions at storage centers that weren't mouse proof, I hope you don't leave things in the barn too long. Mice can make a mess of things really fast.

    1. Ed, I use the term "Barn" loosely. This is actual the building my parents built to house their trailer and use as a shop. It is well built and tightly sealed (I actually thought of this yesterday and checked some potential access points). Not ideal storage, and maybe not for long (or ever).

  4. One of my best friends took early retirement and started a handyman business. I am in awe of him, as he can do most anything! He stays busy and I am a good customer. I continue to pray for you, TB.

    1. Bob, I admire people greatly that have the skill - I, sadly, do not. And yes, I too will happily pay.

      Continued thanks for the prayers.

  5. Good news all around! I remember a particularly dark time. I remember asking if there was hope there could be hope the issue would be resolved. Sounds weird now, but hoping for hope worked for me.

    Ditto on the subject of mice.

    1. Thanks STxAR! Sometimes, just hope can be enough.

      As mentioned above in my response to Ed, this is a well sealed unit.

  6. Hope is one of the most powerful forces we know (I guess that's why it's not always easy to wield). I, too, will be praying.

    1. Thank Hadassah!

      It is remarkable how hope alone, in the absence of any other supporting evidence, can be enough to buoy the soul.


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