Thursday, February 22, 2024

Hammerfall 3.0: A Job Offer

 (We interrupt the normally planned Thursday post for a special job-related announcement.  Seneca has been notified of this change and approves this message.)

I have a job offer.

It is for one of the two jobs that I was interviewing for - the lower level position.  The pay is at the lower end of what I had requested, but there are a few things that still make this a better deal:

1)  They genuinely seem to want me and took the trouble to let me know they are aware of the level versus experience discrepancy.

2)  This is for a reputable large company that has a great deal of opportunity.

3)  The relocation package, as I had mentioned, is spectacular.

4)  The benefits package is also spectacular.

5)  As a lower level position, I can look forward to being an individual contributor. I have not be an individual contributor in Quality in 25 years.  The ability to focus on my work is welcome.

The start date is the middle March, assuming all goes well with the background check.

So a confused lot of activity in the meantime.  Sadly, Produce (A)Isle will have to be left.  My iaijutsu training will go on a short hiatus (although I am informed there is a dojo of my style in the new location).  My time at the rabbit shelter will also be on hiatus, until I join another one (there are three where I am going).

Oh.  And moving myself, deciding when The Ravishing Mrs. TB can or should join me, deciding what to do with the house, finding a living location, and getting our belongings moved.

And, of course,  figuring out what the name of the new location shall be (as I did not have enough foresight to realize that "New Home" might have to be more than one).

Of note, I was notified of the offer the past Tuesday, precisely 70 days or 10 weeks from the notification of my layoff.  In terms of the current market, that appears to be the equivalent of Warp Factor 7 (in the Original Star Trek of course, the speed where everything fails).  I remain the only one from the recent downsizing I know of to have secured a position.

It is a bit terrifying to think I will have to essentially uproot my life and restart it in my mid-50's, but there is some exhilaration as well in the opportunity to get a fresh crack at so many things.  Also, it is nice to start out on the foot that the company real wants you.

As ever, thanks for all of your prayers and well wishes during this time.  If would not be too much difficulty, I will need to ask you for them again as we get this all sorted out and start moving towards a new adventure.

I remain your most Obedient Servant,

Toirdhealbheach Beucail


  1. Great news, sir!!!!

  2. This is excellent news! The offer is good news, of course but that it is desirable from your perspective makes it truly excellent. I'm so excited for you. New adventures! I look forward to how the details and move work out.

    1. Thanks Leigh! It is exciting - and now, we immediately move into the "how are we going to make this all work" mode.

  3. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Congratulations on the Good News ! It does sound like a great opportunity to find long term employment. Given this economy, earning a living may become more difficult for people who are living paycheck to paycheck. Consider yourself fortunate.

    1. Thank you Anon.!

      I really do consider myself lucky, given the current economy. 70 days is something like a record from what I am hearing.

      Now, we start rebuilding emergency finances.

  4. Nylon127:28 AM

    To quote Bill & Ted....Most Excellent! Relocation package helps and the benefits are a biggee TB. As to pay well there is always Produce (A) Isle II now that you have that experience perhaps once things settle down. Prayers for the packing/relocation will be in the Rotation.......... :)

    1. Thanks Nylon12! The benefits really are spectacular. And yes, undoubtedly there will be other opportunities.

      The continued prayers are appreciated - as the saying goes, now the real work begins.

  5. Outstanding! (New Home 2.0?)

    1. Thanks Sarge!

      Well, you make a good point. That would be at least be consistent.

  6. The new place should have a name befitting one of the ancient Japanese imperiums, methinks?

    It'll be interesting. I never would move for a job. I planted my roots here, I'm going to die here and that's just fine with me. I do not envy those that have to uproot for jobs. I don't think my roots would come if I tried to pry them up like that.

    Best of luck TB.

    1. Glen, not a bad idea either.

      The Ravishing Mrs. TB made the comment today that we had really only intended to stay here for a short time, and suddenly it is almost 15 years. Although it is an uprooting, this was never truly my "home".

  7. Congratulations on the new job, newest home relocation in progress. It will be a stressful year no doubt getting everything moved and then settling in but I will keep you in my prayers, praying for as smooth of a transition as possible.

    1. Thanks Ed! I am going to try to take a page from you and be as optimistic as I can be.

      It was close to a year ago that I originally got notified of my first layoff. What a year it has been.

  8. As already said, super wonderful news.
    Take that long deep breath and let it our slowly.
    I was going to write "It depends on your location, but there is most likely a grocery aisle somewhere near New Home 2.0." (Good one Sarge) But the older I get the more I see the word "depends" as a possible omen for my future.

    1. Thanks John! As you might imagine, this has been a relatively stressful week.

      We are certainly in a place where a second Produce (A)Isle is waiting. That said, I may wait a bit to settle in to figure out what is what - this is the biggest change we have had in 15 years.

  9. Congratulations!!! I don't envy the finding a new place, packing, etc... but a good time to thin the herd in a somewhat 'leisurely' fashion and start fresh. Kinda like spring least that's my .02 cents :-) I'm glad it is all working out.

    1. Thank you Hobo!

      Yes, I am not looking forward to things like packing and moving, finding a new living place, etc. The "good" news is we have up to a year to invoke the relocation, so we can be a touch leisurely about it.

  10. I was thinking the same as Sarge and John. New Home 2.
    Prayers answered, TB. I've been praying that God would show you where He wanted you next.
    I always hated moving in the military, but it sounds like the new place is almost perfect for you.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. Thank you Linda! As both of the options were in the same state, it was readily apparent that God pretty much decided where He wanted us.

      Moving is my least favorite thing as well. On the bright side, you will get a whole new set of pictures and stories.

  11. Newer Home. Well done, sir. May God bless you on this journey.

  12. Good news Friend.

  13. Anonymous2:33 PM

    What wonderful news. Congratulations.

    1. Thank you very much. It is a great relief.

  14. Great news, TB! Your relief, and good feelings about this are felt through your post. Prayers redirected for your transition and search for your next new home. It sounds like an exciting opportunity. I hope it is that and more for both you and your wife.

    1. Thank you Becki!

      Yes, prayers - I still need them, and we all do. The next three to four months are going to be highly fluid and unsettled. The good news, I suppose, is we all get to live them together.

  15. Fantastic news. I prayed for you this week, TB, that you would hear something like this forthwith. God is good. All the time.

    I know there are "miles to go before you sleep" and I do not minimize all the moving parts (pun intended) to get you to this next chapter. But you have already demonstrated grace, faith and endurance, which is what will see you through. Thank you for taking us all along on this journey. Best wishes. I look forward to hearing future reports.

    1. He is Bob, and thank you very much.

      The most challenging thing at the moment, honestly, is just not over-reacting to everything that yet has to be done. On the bright side, I have a whole new set of things to write on.


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