Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Greece 2023: To The Gulf Of Corinth

 After our lunch in Preveza, we started drove down the coast and started overland.  Another one of the "not a lot of commentary, just pictures" post.

Taken at a rest stop.  The clouds jus struck me as cool.

Why not, Greece, why not:

These pictures are taken from Nafpaktos, our next stop.  This picture is looking east.  To our left is the Peloponnese, to the right is the mainland of Greece.  They sit across each other from on the Gulf of Corinth.  There is a lot of history bound up here (more next week), but if you can imagine in The Peloponnesian War, this side was with Athens and just across the water was with the Spartans.  


  1. My favorite colors. :)

    1. Leigh, I had not even thought of it before you posted it - but yeah, this shows up in your work!

      Some of the most amazing blues I have seen.

  2. Nylon126:27 AM

    The Gulf was really calm that time of your visit TB, wanted sooo much to say "the sea was angry that day, my friends".......... :) Geeez....even that sign was in blue.

    1. It was, Nylon12 - again, our weather was apparently rather stunning.

      I suspect when you are so close to water, lots of things turn up in blue.

  3. BadFrog3:12 AM

    That is such a beautiful part of the world, especially at the start and end of the day. The view from the bay before Tolon is stunning at sunrise. At that time, I can well believe the story that the invasion fleet sailed from there to Troy

    1. BadFrog - It was very beautiful; other than the urban sprawl of Athens (which reflects my general feeling on urban sprawl), I cannot think of a location we saw that was not beautiful.

      History stalked me at every stop. I am not quite used to that when I travel in the US.

      Thanks for stopping by!


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