Friday, October 20, 2023

Of Autumn And A Roof Update

 Autumn seems to have arrived with all the subtlety of a freight train.

Our days have noticeably cooled off - and more importantly, the humidity has dropped to levels manageable for human existence.  Some mornings earlier this week were - if you can believe it - actually  cold.  I may or may not have actually have actually used layers for the first time since February of this year.

The shocking thing to me is that this year's transition from Summer to Autumn seems abrupt.  No easing in to anything, no slow slide into another season.  It almost as quickly as the Christmas candies will be appearing in two weeks when we pass Halloween.

This sudden transition has left me in a bit of disarray.

I had not really thought or planned towards my Fall garden, and now I am scrambling to get something in the ground.  I say scrambling; likely we have at least another month of reasonable weather and part of the speed is self inflicted in that I will be at The Ranch next week (where there, it is already wood stove season).  And added to that is the fact that what is currently taking up the bulk of my garden - sweet potato vines - have not yet started to wither, so I am working around them. Still, I managed to clean up the garden this week and get garlic in.  It is something, anyway.

The other big issue is the roof, of course.

I heard back from the construction company.  Turns out things are somewhat as I had anticipated: they were more than happy to be my new best roofing friend with the prospect of an insurance billing paying for everything; with the much reduced amount of our payout, actual economics came into play.  They can only make money if we financed some portion of the roof with a 75% down payment.  I do not inherently mind the statement that they need to make money; I am firm believer we all should.  What I do mind is the illusion of enthusiasm right up to the point of finding out that I was much less of a viable prospect. The even more bothersome thing is that - not totally through their fault) - I have lost about two weeks waiting for all of this to get sorted out.

Another roofing person comes today to confirm the inspection.  I have been quite up front that the payment from insurance has been made and this will be an all cash transaction.  We will see what they come  back with.  I have a base price now for roof replacement, so that is what I will be planning for.  It is doable for us, but not an expense we needed at this time.

Sigh.  The simple joys of any season seem too often pushed out by the realities of life anymore.


  1. Nylon125:25 AM

    My sympathies for dealing with a roofer, had to myself this past July with both the house and garage roofs. Morning temps have dropped into the 40s but no hard freeze yet but it's coming TB.

    1. Nylon12, at least I am going into this time with no illusions. I have a single point of baseline; if the number comes in around that I do not think I can do any better. I will say this company has been very responsive.

  2. I dread dealing with things like that. I am very loyal though so if I get through one transaction and need them again at a future date, I'm not so much about price but about availability.

    1. Ed, me too. One thing that we have been doing over the years is building a list of reliable contractors for the various services. I have been doing the same thing at The Ranch as well.

      I am about honesty and good work and reliability.

  3. I guess when I was a kid, doing home repairs was dad's gym. And I was his partner / spotter. Never had a choice, just had to get on board with the educational opportunity.

    1. STxAR, I (somewhat) know my limits - and roofing is beyond any basic sort of skills that I can claim at this point.

  4. Good luck with the roof.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. Thank you Linda. Inspection has been delayed to next week, so hopefully news soon.

  5. You've been busy, TB, so it's understandable to feel a bit behind. I hope it works out with the roof. Things like that are always a nuisance to deal with, but needs must.

    1. Leigh, I am trying to remind myself that I have been busy and it is okay that some things have lapsed (to be fair, I am terrible at convincing myself of it, but there you go).

      It is a good reminder for us and good lesson for lots of younger people that this is why you save - these sorts of things will happen.


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