Friday, April 15, 2022

A "We Are Done Here" Moment

Did you ever have a moment where you felt - deeply felt - that you were being pushed in a direction that you had no idea where it was going, or even what the direction was?  That feeling hit me about mid-day on Monday this week.

I cannot legitimately explain it.  I was reading, and suddenly something just said to me "We are done here". 

Lovely, I said to me inner voice, put down what I was reading, and proceeded to go on with my day.  Except I could not escape the feeling that a road marker had been hit, an off-ramp had suddenly been taken, and I had no idea why or where it was going.

And then - the following day - there was my mood when I woke up in the morning.  Frankly, it is was abysmal.  No idea why - it was not as if anything had happened the night before.  But simply nothing was good in the morning.  My Bible reading was flat.  My mood was sour as I made my way around the walk.  

Something - something - had changed, and apparently I was too foolish or too blockheaded to understand what it was.

For better or worse, I like to believe that I have some level of active knowledge and insight into where my moods come from. It has been a hard won knowledge:  for years I was "just angry/depressed/fill in the blank" with no idea why.  Since then I have learned to carefully track my moods back to where they came - for example, one super easy one I have discovered is dwelling too much on current events and the resulting anger/dismay/depression, which can easily set off my entire day.  But anger, guilt, even laziness - all of these I can track upstream of what the originating event was.

This, I literally have no idea.

I have never been one to question that God speaks to people (my estimate would be "He speaks a lot less than people think He does"); I cannot think of a clear time He has "spoken" to me.  That is okay of course:  if my faith relied purely on the concept that I needed to hear from God on a regular basis, it should be a very weak faith indeed.  

That said, I have the rather jarring and annoying feeling that He just did.

This feeling - this "We are done here" - is not unknown to me.  It has occurred before, only I am too often too unaware to appreciate what it actually means. I shrug it off or double down on things that are going on, not realizing or accepting that change is in the air.

It is difficult to put a timeline on such things, and to some extent even writing about it seems to feel like I am already putting a schedule on it.  These things cannot really be anticipated (at least in my experience) as to day or precise time; only that they are coming.

I have learned one thing though: The purposes of God are not thwarted and when it is time for a thing, it will happen - even if one is "dragged" kicking and screaming through the door.  And so I am trying to hold my life now with a lighter hand in expectation that something is changing - even if I do not know what it is.


  1. I don’t think God has ever spoken to me directly but I have felt His hand guiding me. There have been a handful of momentous happenings in my life when I wasn’t close to sure how or where I would end up next but once through and looking back, I’ve always felt the right things happened. The law of odds says for that to happen I hit the proverbial jackpot and so I believe some guidance was happening even if I didn’t know it at the time.

    1. Ed, I have had the same experience of guidance. The most memorable one was in 2009 after I got laid off and we were - literally - within a month of having income coming in after 4 months of unemployment and job searching. Just at the right moment, the job offer that brought us to New Home happened. The deal we received - relocation package, moving, etc. - made it completely possible.

  2. For several years I've not watched the national news put out by the MSM, don't have cable either. It's bad enough watching local news, especially since May 2020 with living in the Twin Cities area, so the Floyd riots were 24/7. My moods have changed considerably for the better, using the InterNets for news has helped also.

    1. Nylon12, other than my visits to TB The Elder and Mom in the day, I simply do not watch or listen to news, local or national or international. Even now, I have found I cannot listen or read really anything in the morning (beyond blogs, of course!) because my mood is so negatively impacted. And I, too, have noticed the difference.

  3. I can ditto Nylon. When I finally realized the main news outlets were propaganda mills, and the AM radio talk shows were inflaming me with impotent outrage, I quit them. I developed other sources of information, some less timely than others, but with good information.

    When you are reading the Bible, you are reading.... The Word of God. He speaks through His word and we speak to Him through prayer. A conversation. The Holy Spirit will impress upon you what you need to do, or what applies. Jesus told us He'd send Him for that very reason.

    But that feeling.... I've had a few of those. Very disconcerting. I'll be praying you find out what you are supposed to be shed of. That open handed living is the way to go. Hurts if you are grasping tightly when it's removed from your fist...

    1. STxAR - One of the habits started long ago and clung to still (sometimes by the skin of my teeth) is starting every morning with prayer and Bible reading. I want my first inputs to be meaningful ones (even if I am too foolish or lazy to always get the meaning).

      Like mentioned to Nylon12, I never watch and almost never listen to news as it distracts me (impotent rage is not a bad phrase) from what I need to do for the day. I continue to try to follow economic news, as that is the real indicator of how the world is turning.

      I appreciate the prayers. Hopefully I will understand more soon.

    2. I went the other way. I turned off the legacy media and started hanging out at free speech sites that the establishment can’t censor. They are no founts of truth either, but you get to see the people describing the news of the day in their own words, right in the thick of things. You will see all sides of the issues too, much to the rage of the Establishment.

      Another thing that helps is to do as the Z Man does on his blog - he looks at people the way a naturalist might watch the doings of a troop of chimps or gorillas. He tends to keep a strict dispassionate distance as he watches the human animal, and look for patterns in their behaviour. It’s a fascinating way to look at your fellow man and make some kind of sense out of him.

      Something seems to be ending, and something new is beginning.

    3. Glen - I am certainly able to look at things a bit more clinically when I do look at them, which is helped (I think) by the fact I am far less emotionally involved in them.

  4. I think how one "hears God speak" can be interpreted in various ways. What some might consider God speaking to them, I might think of as being nudged by the Holy Spirit. I do have one time in my life, though, that I felt God was "telling" me to do something specific!

    I hope you learn the reason for your current mood. Listen for God. ;)

    1. Kelly - I do think that God works in many ways. Certainly He can, of course, and far be it from me to dictate to the Creator how He addresses His creation. That said, I assume the reason I have not "heard" from Him in that way is because that way does not work for me. I have to have equal confidence - as you suggest - that He will reveal whatever it is He wants me to know.

  5. I always felt that there was a greater purpose for you to fulfil in your life, TB, so I am not surprised that you have that sense of change around you, even though all is apparently still the same. Keep in faith that God is looking after you, forgive yourself when you feel less than you should be, and know that there are others experiencing the same at this time. In love and light, Vera x

    1. Thanks Vera. Oddly enough I have had "that feeling" for many years, although I kept grasping at what I thought it was. I am trying to be much more patient and paying attention now.

      Thanks for dropping by and hope all is well!

  6. Same sort of experience here. Could be the world changing around us.

    1. That comforts me a great deal actually, John. A great many times I think things are me. It is good to hear that perhaps it is not just my fevered imagination.

      That said, I do believe the world is changing. It is just not the change that anyone expects (it seldom is, of course).


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