Friday, January 03, 2020

Plan A

Thanks for all your reading and kind words, friends.  We had a lovely visit with lots of time to think.  I am trying to organize the thoughts into meaning.  What it did reminder me is that if you have a dream, you never, ever give up.


  1. Hopefully you don't need all of them, either.

  2. have not been able to comment apparently was banned! do nnot know why loved the lucullius letter but unable to say so

  3. Deb - Apologies if you cannot post! I looked through my listings and did not see it - no intent to ban all, probably just my ineptness at setting up the posting. I will check.

  4. Stick to Plan A, it might come right in the end, or it might move into an offshoot, as in Plan A1, Plan A2, etc. But if you need to move on to Plan B, then Plan B will shove Plan A in to oblivion. However, it might be that Plan A needs to be put on hold for a while, even for a few years, before it comes into its own again. This is what I have found anyway, because my Plan A has raised its head again, but I was moved on to a Plan B, which was actually Plan A2 although I didn't know it at the time.

    Wishing you and your family a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.

  5. Vera, it is a good point, and even in my own life I have experienced things that I formally thought had fallen off the map that have come back into it.

    Thanks very much. I hope you and yours have the same.


Comments are welcome (and necessary, for good conversation). If you could take the time to be kind and not practice profanity, it would be appreciated. Thanks for posting!