Thursday, January 02, 2020

Ignorant And Stupid


  1. Hahahahaha!
    And there are a lot of people working at that now days. :-|

  2. Actually I think ol’ Ben might be projecting on that one. It might appear to be so to an otherwise intelligent man. But my personal experience is that genetics, race, gender and IQ are real, and that all come with advantages and limitations.

    Hope you had some good times over the holidays TB.

  3. Indeed Sandi, indeed - and especially now more than ever, with the availability of information.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  4. It certainly feels like that, does it not Linda?

  5. Truly Glen, at some level we all have weaknesses and limitations - after all, there is no truly "good" mutation without a corresponding bad one.

    That said, I think more and more people wallow in their feelings rather than trying to think rationally.


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