Sunday, January 26, 2020

A Northman's Prayer


  1. One of my all time favourite movies was The 13th Warrior.

    I think there is a trace of the Norseman in every man at some level.

  2. Glen, one of mine as well. I have not read the book from Michael Crichton it is based on.

    The renewed interest in Vikings is an interesting cultural phenomena which I do not know that the opposition knows how to confront. It happened so long ago no-one can have a grievance. It is anti-technology, has participation at all levels from both sexes, can have pagan overtones, and historically involves the oppression of Europeans - in other words, everything the opposition is for. Frankly, I am watching it with interest.

  3. That's a good prayer.

  4. I've read here and there - from the Usual Suspects - that the resurging interest in them stems from white supremacy, and that it has to be squashed as a result. Last time I looked they were debating making several of their rhunes and symbols official hate symbols. It sounds like they want to do the same number on them as the stunt where the rebel flag became racist. I suppose that devolves into politics... but I hope they don't succeed in that.

  5. It is, Linda. One I have bothered to memorize.

  6. Not surprised, Glen. I suspect this will be more difficult as there is less to "Take Aim" at, if you will, and that the Viking Culture is embraced by a surprisingly large and diverse group now.


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