Monday, September 09, 2024

On Answers To Prayer: Church Selection

 You may recall that last week in a general end of August update, I requested prayers/good thoughts on selecting a church.  Part of that is due to timing:  my major trips are at an end for the rest of the year and frankly, it is a gap that now I have no reason not to fill.  

To put it bluntly:  Well, that was quick.

The two churches I was considering were very different Christian traditions, but both within the larger pale of orthodoxy (small "o" there). I had been to both.  I knew something about both of traditions.  And I had asked God, even yesterday morning, to give me guidance.

When the sermon for the morning is spot on to your situation and you, it tends to be a pretty big sign.

Beyond just the sermon - which was a very relevant one to everyone, I suppose - was that moment that I realized that the larger intent of the message had been meant for me.  And my decision, which is now effectively made.

There is a certain reticence and reluctance, at least for me, when something like this happens.  The sort of thing that says "Is God really speaking to me?  Me?:"

The response, of course, is simply "Well, you did ask of course.  Why are you surprised when you get one?"


  1. Nylon127:29 AM

    Coincidence....sign....timing.....or Plan? Pick one TB........ :)

    1. Nylon12, can I choose what is behind Door Number 3?

  2. It is nice that an answer came so quickly. It is also nice that if in the long term it doesn't turn out to be the right answer, it is free and easy to change churches, unlike many of the wrong decisions we all make in life.

    1. Ed, it is. And it is also good that if it turns out to be less than ideal, I can always choose differently (at least on my timeline, this will have to happen at least one more time).

  3. Praying for rain? Carry an umbrella. That is so cool when you realize that God just sent you a personal greeting. I love it.

    1. STxAR - I am mostly just surprised. Perhaps because I do not ask enough or perhaps because I ask incorrectly.

    2. When our low expectations get blown in the weeds, we're left standing there, wide eyed with "Did that really just happen to me?!?"
      Sometimes the Lord works in not-so-mysterious ways. You're likely, just gonna have to take the win.

    3. T_M - Agreed. This is pretty much a " No excuses, carry on from here" sort of thing.

  4. I know this is a relief! Nice when the answer is so clear.

    1. Thanks Leigh. It really is. In my case, it is most likely that I am an idiot and cannot take a gentle nudge. We need to go straight to the point.

  5. That is great. So many times, when we least expect it (even though we have asked!), He demonstrates unmerited favor and grace toward us. I am happy for you.

    1. Thanks Bob. And yes, we are all too often undeserving of His grace.

  6. Having not been on the computer for a couple of weeks, I was not in on the praying, but I'll rejoice with you, TB. I hope this church proves to be good in all respects.


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