Monday, September 02, 2024

End Of August/Labor Day Weekend 2024 Grab-Bag

 (Note:  All pictures as found from the New Home 2.0 Vicinity)

Greetings on this 2024 Labor Day - Another obscure holiday which used to mean "something something 'Celebrate Labor'" but is now is just another excuse to take a day off.  It certainly makes a handy end of the Summer marker:  now the long haul to Thanksgiving.  There has been enough "minor things" to report that just lumping them altogether made the most sense.

The most important news is that The Ravishing Mrs. TB has been here for almost the full week, departing tomorrow.  As you might imagine, we have had a pretty busy time -when she is in town, she likes to go.  Somehow we managed to accommodate travel along the scenery pictures here, a visit to the local zoo and local wood museum, a long drive to through the country to a local flower festival, and whatever we are going to do tomorrow.  She brought another suitcase full of things and we made (yet another) list of things we need to have her bring during her next visit.

One big advantage of her arrival?  An actual USB keyboard.  Being able to type again at regular speed is an amazing thing; you do not realize that you miss it until it is gone.

Last Thursday I got my two upper wisdom teeth out.

For years the agreement with all of my dentists has been as long as I could keep them clean (I had all four), I could keep them.  At a recent dental visit in July, my new dentist announced it was time:  they were angled out and acquiring cavities.  So out they came - delayed, of course, until The Ravishing Mrs. TB could be here if something went horribly wrong.

The whole thing took a bit under two hours, including the application of the application of local anesthesia - really one hour for the main show of "pulling". Seeing one's teeth out after being in the mouth for 50 odd years with perfect roots was a surreal experience, as is suddenly being able to sweep my tongue around the back of my upper teeth - have people always lived this way?  

I am happy to report no significant health impacts other than a lot of napping on the day of the removal.  No significant pain either - although I happily took the codeine prescription that was offered.  Given the state of the world, you never know.

One of the fun things about the drive we took was the stop at a fish hatchery.  I will almost always stop at a fish hatchery; they really are just the coolest thing ever.  This particular hatchery had salmon, trout, and sturgeon.

There are a great many rivers and waterways here.  Who knows.  It almost makes me want to take up fishing again, something I have not done in almost 40 years.  Many things that are old seem new again.  Maybe this is one of them.

All of my children's school years have commenced.  Nighean Gheal  has received here assignment in Cheongju, the capital of North Chungcheong province.  She will be between three schools, including a rural school with only six students.  Apparently there is not specific lesson expectations.  She has said it has been related to her that her students like her.

Nighean Bhan started her practicum at a local school in New Home, where she will be providing help to local students at a grammar school.  And Nighean Dhonn has started her classes in New Home in Classical Studies.

All my children have already exceeded me in so much of their education.

Plans continue to evolve for The Ravishing Mrs. TB's full time relocation here.  We have not really set a firm date, but as we talked it through although it would be great if she could be here in October, financially it would make a lot more sense if she delayed her relocation until February of 2025 (which is when we anticipate having some extra income on the house in New Home).  Plans are still kind of up in the air at this point - she technically has told her work September was the end of her time there, but they have not really started looking for a replacement yet, so maybe they would be open to extending her through the next year.

(In case you were wondering, she is scheduling to be back out her in early October after a trip for almost two weeks, in Old Home for a weekend in November as we discuss the estate, and for Thanksgiving with Nighean Bhan and Nighean Dhonn - as well as me going back for a few days at Christmas.  So it is not like I will not see her between now and then.)

A prayer request, if you are up for it:  I am continuing to struggle with finding a church - not that I have not found two, but that I am struggling with actually finding my way in either of them.  I am realizing that I need to find my place in one of those traditions.  Both are more that acceptable and theologically sound; I just do not know which one.

But reassured:  Life is very good indeed.


  1. Anonymous5:55 AM

    I moved into the house we built back in 2004 and since it was quite a distance from our previous home, we began looking for a new Church home as well. We visited several churches in the area until we visited a rather small run down church just a mile or so away.
    From the very first greeting in the parking lot until the wife and I got into the car to go home, I had a silly grin, looked over at the wife and she wore one as well, I told her, "we found our new Home"!
    We have been members and have served and welcomed others as those who welcomed us did twenty years ago.
    God is Good, Seek and you shall Find.
    Prayers that you will be led to the Home Church the Lord has prepared for you.
    MSG Grumpy

    1. MSG Grumpy - Thanks for sharing your story! That gives me a great deal of hope. I have every confidence God has already set the road for the church; we need only find it.

  2. Looks like you have settled in a really interesting place. Lots of lovely views and things to do and see. And, it sounds like things are working out very well. Even having to have your wisdom teeth removed. It's nice to see that the rough bumps are behind you.

    1. Leigh, other than the heat wave we have had here of late, it is quite hard to find anything to quibble with in our new location. Lots more opportunities to see great scenery and hike than in the previous location (and no humidity to boot).

      I have every reason to believe that with the final settlement of the estate and The Ravishing Mrs. TB moving, we may be able to be in a position of holding the fort down for a bit.

  3. Nylon128:39 AM

    Took up fishing again back in 1999 after not doing so for a quarter century, a good way to find solitude and concentration although it is easy to spend the $$ on gear. As to picking a church which clergy and congregation fit like a glove TB?

    1. Nylon12 - Growing up, we fished either for blue gill or trout (e.g., ponds or mountain lakes and rivers). I never quite found my footing in fishing for catfish and bass (the more recent options), which is likely part of the reason I let it go. Yes, the price was mentioned last night when I brought the subject up.

      Thanks for the advice. I am not necessarily in a hurry, but will certainly bear that in mind.

  4. I recognize both of those waterfalls and the dam from my trip there not long ago. Such a beautiful area and one week was not nearly long enough to explore it thoroughly enough. My thoughts will be with you on your church selection.

    1. Ed, it was a pretty spectacular trip and fortunately the roads were not too crowded.

      The prayers are appreciated.


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