Thursday, September 26, 2024

Safety Protocol


Always follow the safety protocol.

(Apologies; we have an audit at work that is extending my hours, including my work time.)


  1. Nylon128:44 AM

    Well, safety protocols are there because maybe, just maybe SOMEONE paid a price already. What I'd like to know, how did the Carrot people make thing without hands? Enquiring minds want to know........:)

    1. Nylon12, we make the point in my industry of explaining that every law and guidance exists because there is a reason for it, and usually one that caused death or injury.

      In terms of hands, it is well known that Vegetable People have amazing mental capacities and move things with their minds. Which brings up another interesting point: I cannot think of many sci-fi or fantasy books that had plant based intelligent creatures. Philip Hose Farmer did in Dark is the Sky and Piers Anthony had a fungi based life form (I cannot remember the name of the books), but that is all I can recall.

  2. Along the lines of Nylon12's thinking, do they have built in gyroscopes in their stomach cavities that keep them upright on their pointy ends?

    1. I assume so? They are, after all, an advanced space-faring species.

      (And this, friends, is why I love my readership...)


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