Sunday, June 16, 2024

That Kind Of Service



  1. Wow. That is a clean cut. Right to the bone.

    1. That C.S. Lewis, STxAR. Such clear insight.

      I remember this specific part in Mere Christianity. It hit me that way too - and continues to do so. It is one of the places where the Seeker Sensitive movement gets it wrong - they cater to making it likeable, when they should be making it holy and filled with doctrine. On the other side (us), we should be looking for those churches that teach doctrine and have holiness in the service, not just for something where we like the songs and think the messages are "cool".

  2. Nylon128:11 AM

    Happy Father's Day TB.

    1. Thank you Nylon12! I hope Spring has finally made it to you.

    2. Nylon1211:43 AM

      Uh....heat advisory today, forecast 90, dewpoint low 70s....

    3. Oh no! Ashamed to relate mid-60's here, possible rain in the afternoon...

  3. That's where I need to be. 70s year round, perhaps flirting with upper 80s.
    Oh well. We are where He wants us. I must always remember that.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. Linda, the downside here is a understand it gets colder for a lot longer than I typically am used to or enjoy, perhaps including some level of snow. I have never lived anywhere that it snows reliably, so this may be an adventure.

    2. I grew up in Michigan. Lived in Nebraska, Alaska, and South Korea - where it did snow.
      It used to be we'd get snow for a few days roughly once every 4 years after we retired to Louisiana. Last time was 2021, if I remember right.
      If you actually get ice there, you may want "grippers" for your galoshes. :)

    3. Thanks Linda! Ice sounds like it might be a thing here. We used portable crampons when hiking in the Sierras last Summer; it might be time to revisit them.

    4. Those should work well!


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