Wednesday, June 26, 2024

2024 Turkey: Gülhane Park II

 More pictures from Gülhane Park. The flowers were simply incredible.

You may remember the Column of the Goths from our earlier post on Roman Empire ruins.  Its resting place is here in the Park.

Peeking up towards the Topkapi Palace:


  1. Nylon129:29 AM

    Excellent photos TB, quite the palette of colors there.

    1. Is it not, Nylon12? I was terribly surprised to find such an oasis in what was the old city, where you are pretty much surround by buildings and stone.

    2. "pretty much surrounded...."

  2. What a wonderful place. Do they have to irrigate it much? (I tend to think of Turkey as being hot and dry, but maybe I'm wrong.)

    1. Leigh, I tend to think of Turkey the same. That said, effectively Istanbul is a coastal city. Istanbul (per Wikipedia) gets 865 mm/34.06 in of rain a year. More in Winter of course, but it appears even in Summer there is a regular chance of rain.

  3. Clearly, I have not kept up here, nor caught up at all on this trip. Reading backwards as I do when I'm trying to catch up, I was actually shocked when reading Linda's comment above that this is Turkey. I wouldn't have imagined such lushness. I, too, imagine Turkey as being pretty arid.

    The tulip pictures are stunning. Before I scrolled too far, I actually wondered if you had been to Holland Michigan this spring. lol That's what I get for reading backwards...

    1. Becki, I think yours is a common response - I had the same idea when I went to Turkey. I think most people have very vague ideas about Turkey being something other than it is. I would not have pictured this either.

      In fairness, we were by the coast here in Istanbul. It definitely got more arid as we entered the inland portion of Turkey on the Anatolian Plateau.

      We are still early in this trip so plenty more sights to see. I need to get a page up for the trip before the posts get away from me.


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