Monday, June 24, 2024

The Arrival of Stuff

The stuff has arrived.

The grand total came to around 175 items coming in:  165 labeled items (a combination of boxes and furniture) and around 10 or so items that were not specifically labeled - shelves for the bookcases, outdoor chairs, some random items.  Even not being the whole house, it still seems like a lot.

The unload took three hours; I up front apologized to the crew for the fact the apartment was on the third floor.  Only one item almost did not make it up the staircase, the larger of the two couches, but was saved at the last moment by removing the bottom legs and then putting them back on.  

Only three items failed the move:  a nightstand where the leg was just cleanly broken off (and not found) and two of the IKEA bookcases, older ones where the stabilizing material on the back had become dislodged and lost structural integrity (that said, I now know had to fix that problem on future builds of bookshelves).

All the major furniture is in place at this point; the nice thing is that it looks like we guessed correctly about the amount of things we should take with us.

I have undertaken some unpacking, although I have been told I do not need to do so (The Ravishing Mrs. TB has suggested politely it might be better if she does the bulk of it so it goes in the places that she would like it to go).  My clothes are all unpacked; the bottom shelf of one bookcase is done and and I ended up fully loading another - my ancient/medieval/Japanese/military history shelf.  I know it I did not need to do it, but it just makes me feel better.

It is nice to have things here: something with a back to it to sit in, an actual bed to sleep in.  But mostly, it is just really nice to have my things here with me.  It somehow gives me the sense that there is some level of control in my life at the moment, that my resources are all here now, not strung out half a country away from me.

In that sense, it is good to be home.


  1. I agree with The Ravishing Mrs. TB! Organization is usually best left to the Keeper of the Home. Personal items excepted, of course.

    I know it feels good to feel like home again. Major mental/emotional adjustments should be behind you now. For the most part anyway. I hope your new life fits more comfortably now.

    1. Leigh, I will put things away where they are most convenient to me, not necessarily where they are actually most useful - and decor? I have learned well enough to leave it to the experts.

      The space does feel different now - not quite home yet, but certainly not the yawning void that it did two days ago.

  2. One of the biggest advantages to moving is it gives you a chance to inventory and thin out your life. I always feel much leaner and more nimble as a household unit after every move. Much more so than the bloated feeling I have right now despite my attempts to keep possessions to a minimum.

    1. Ed, I was coming to the same conclusion yesterday as I was unloading books (Great minds and all that). At least for me, this move represents 98% of "my" things (excluding things like outdoor tools, bikes, etc.). It is a lot - and I think, whatever the major event is, this is the "stuff" we are going with. Which does bring up those items we left in New Home which we may not actually be in a position to reclaim for 6-8 years and what, if any, purpose they serve.

  3. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Moving a household takes some planning. It appears you and your wife did a good job. Good job !

    1. Anon - Thank you, although by "some planning", this would mostly be The Ravishing Mrs. TB. I was there for some initial and final selections.

      I will say that living here for 1.5 months prior to the packing date quite helped with getting an idea of what would and would not fit in the space. In that sense, this sort of thing was a luxury.

  4. Nylon128:50 AM

    Another step along the path to a New Normal TB. You'll get your exercise bringing groceries up three flights of stairs........:)

    1. Nylon12, it feels like a rather largish step. Things feel different in the space merely by things being here.

      Yes, my overall step count has gone up a bit. It is good for me, I remind myself...

  5. Praise God.
    Be safe and God bless, TB.

    1. Indeed Linda. All in all, three damaged items are small fry compared to what could have been damaged.

  6. We did not formalize exactly where stuff gets stowed in the house. Instead we have a very flexible unwritten understanding of what goes where.
    This sometimes leads mildly heated chats about where a given item ended up being stowed.
    We self moved when we went from House #1 to the present house.
    We would not ever do that again.
    Good news that damages were minor.

    1. John, I walked through furniture placement with The Ravishing Mrs. TB last night via video chat. It appears I got things 98% correct, which is a relief. I will continue to work away on the books and the few other remaining items that are mine, leaving the decor and the kitchen to The Ravishing Mrs. TB for her arrival.

      We also made a self move (Except for select heavy items) when we moved from our rental to our home in New Home. It was only a 4 mile trip one way, but we were exhausted by the time we got done. The last item got put in the garage at 0345 on a work day. Never again (a "moving plan" will be established for saving up when we get closer to that point).

      It sounds like we have a one time submission of all damage within 30 days of the move, so there is a bit of urgency to get things unpacked.

      Happy to report all the wooden training weapons and shinken (Japanese swords) made it without incident.


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