Monday, August 15, 2022

Gone Hiking 2022 July Edition: Day 1

Right after the return from the Pennsylvania/Delaware/Maryland trip, the Outdoorsman and I completed our last training hike.  Total mileage was 16.9 miles/27.26 km.  Our highest elevation was 11,080 ft/3,377 m above sea level to cross the pass.  We hiked up and over the pass to spend the night at an alpine like.


  1. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Very pretty locale. Thanks for sharing the pictures with us. They remind me of a small park we camped out for a week northeast of Yosemite Park near California's 'crook with neighboring state, West of Mono Lake.

    1. I am embarrassed to admit that I literally had not heard of it until we hiked it. So many amazing places I have no knowledge of. Funny how sometimes great things are under our noses.

  2. Beautiful. One reminds me of an area north of Gallup, NM. That was a spooky place. The sun shone brightly, but there was a shadow on the land. Hard place to describe, but that last picture is really close....

    1. STxAR, unfortunately the spooky photo was due to a fire. Smoke makes for great sunsets, but conveys terrible things.

  3. I would have been itching to throw a line in the water of that alpine lake for a fresh trout supper.

  4. God's blessed creation. Thanks for sharing it with us, TB. You all be safe and God bless.


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