Sunday, July 12, 2020

My Life's Schedule In The Plague of 2020

We have now passed week 15 of Isolation in The Plague of 2020.

Our lives have taken a certain sort of schedule to them.  The Ravishing Mrs. TB goes in to the office twice a week for work.  I have set up shop in the craft area with my computer, where I type away unless I have a meeting in which case I go into the bedroom to converse.  

Na Clann wander through the kitchen at various times of the morning (ah, the joy of being a student on a rather prolonged summer break) for coffee and then food.

Grocery shopping did happen weekly on Mondays until it was realized that Sunday evenings were the less crowded day to shop and thus that now seem to be the schedule.  At least one other time a week, one or more venture out for some other sort of supply -clothing, crafts - that was not available at the grocery store.

I venture out to the gym and for Iai class and come straight home.  Once a week I go to my volunteer job, get fuel, and perhaps venture out to my local used bookstore.  Beyond that, I never leave home except for walks around the neighborhood.

It strikes me as odd that this has become the sum total of my traveling existence.

When do I think things will change?  I really have not the slightest clue.  My best estimate at this point is that we will not be returning to the office before the end of the year if at that, and most likely not after that (I suspect the Winter season will see a resurgence of The Plague.  Add that to the Flu and no sensible company will want anyone back in the office).  So maybe call it next March or April.  All of the precautions will like stay in place until then.  To the mind's eye, in such an environment everyone that is out there becomes a potential vector of infection.  

But would I change?  In reality this sort of life - with only the change of not working in the office - was one that I had already embraced before any of this happened. I might run out to the store a little more frequently for this or that, but that was all.  This sort of living encompasses all of my life as it is was currently configured.  And very little has changed beyond that.

In reviewing this, I realize how much I was already pulling away from the larger social world.  The Plague of 2020 just accelerated a trend that already existed.

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