Sunday, July 28, 2024

If You Want To Help The Church



  1. Show me a self-made man, and I will show you the product of unskilled labor. unsure where I heard this, so I will take credit :)

    It takes God in the man, for man to be man, as God intended man to be. (Bernerd Briscoe)

    My only "work" is to cooperate with what God is doing in and through me. He doesn't need my "help". My help is more hindrance than anything else. Personal experience, YMMV.

    1. Indeed, STxAR - but to your point, we have to make the effort. We can just as easily chose to not cooperate.

  2. Start with that guy in the mirror. Amen!

    1. John, that is inexorably a very good place to start.


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