Monday, July 22, 2024

On Being Tired Of Things

 I typed out a super lovely essay on the fall of Republics.  I almost hit "Publish".  Almost.

But I did not. Even for my non-political stance here, it was a bridge too far.

Nothing, in my adult experience, separates people and sets them to fighting than politics now does (at least here in the U.S.).  Want to throw a hand grenade into any conversation?  Simply walk in wearing political gear from either Red or Blue party, make a supportive comment, and watch the sparks fly.

I know, I know.  Politics has always been a contentious business, and we have nothing on how the Greeks or Romans ran their elections.  I will admit that all of this has simply taken the wind of my sails.

Sadly, I am not a man made for this age.  I detest contention. I detest bad manners.  I detest every manner of embellishment, jargon, loud words, and images that has become the American Political System.  I come from a time - long distant now - that had arguments of reason and logic, not what we have today.

We have issues - significant issues - that need to be dealt with.  My belief that any of these will be dealt with has long since passed, because I have lived through the last 34 years of the political cycle.  It is somewhat hyperbole to say that "few things have gotten better, but many things have gotten worse", but that is my sense of the world today.  We are less resilient, less united, less capable, and than we have ever been in my life (And not finger pointing.  Both sides restrict freedoms when it serves their interest).

If we have any kind of trust passed on to us by those that went before us, it is at least to pass down what we are given as good as we received it, if not better. I fear - no matter who wins - we will be unable to achieve even that.

I am tired - tired of the drama, tired of the hype, tired of the same group of people making the same promises that amount to nothing, tired of the inevitably bad outcomes that occur no matter what happens and the failure to make anything actually happen.  If there is a single thing I am grateful for, it is that my parents were spared all of this.  They would have understood it even less than I do.

The older I get, the more the world passes me by in these matters. And the less and less I have any hope of any improvement.


  1. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Amen Brother... Amen...
    Ironically, that's partly the cause of my black-pilledness. I DGAF anymore, I don't care your tribe, creed, color, none of it. Mess with me, I will bury you in the back 40, don't give a flying fuck. So fed up with everything... even a minor infraction at this point would have me firing up the backhoe.

    1. Anon - Although not at a point of firing up the backhoe (yet, anyway), that is me as well. I am just tired. It is like going back to a beloved landmark and seeing it trashed and disrespected.

      In the end, it makes me understand why so many brilliant minds in the Greek and Roman periods retreated from the world to politics, history, and religion. There was nothing for them "out there" anymore.

  2. Nylon127:51 AM

    A very well thought out post TB, I agree with all that you wrote and that's all I'm going to say....

    1. Nylon12, as always you are a gentleman and a scholar and I appreciate you respecting the rules.

      It is good to know many of us are tired.

  3. Putting on my optimist hat, I'm not convinced that it is worse, only more visible. I'm often in the situation where I am in the same room with others who think radically differently than myself and I find most quite reasonable to talk to in a rational manner when face to face. But for some reason when they get behind a keyboard/smartphone, they transform like Jekyll to Hyde. I don't understand it but see it all around me. Only on rare occasions have I met those that even I can't have a rational discussion with and I suspect those sorts have always existed, just less visibly.

    Perhaps the thing I am less optimistic about is the media cycle that feeds the flames of those few who aren't rational. It takes a lot of mental fortitude to maintain rationality while listening to politics spewed 24/7 from those who spin. I have little faith that many can withstand that barrage for long periods of time.

    1. Ed, that is a good point about personal versus "The InterWeb".

      It has become more noticeable, even if people are not willing to think more deeply about why we are where we are. At least yet.

      I have no optimism about the media cycle - in fact, I am going to try to steer as clear of as I can. It may be a day to day thing at this point, but it gains me peace of mind at least.

  4. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Me too. I think we all are tired. So very, very tired. I have asked God to take me, but here I sit wondering what is my purpose in all of this. Seems like I have nothing to offer because I myself don't know how to function in this poop fest we live in.

    1. Anon - To be honest, I have wondered that as well. In fact, I may have asked a similar question. I hesitate to say I received an answer, but the response that came to mind was if I - we - are here, it is because He still has a task for us to do. Even if, perhaps, it is buoying each other up in this.

  5. Anonymous10:04 AM

    If you had published it would/should be against a blood red background. With the title - The fall of Republic. No words would need to be added. That background would have said everything.

    I think we are all sick to death of politics at this point. Glad when 11/5/24 is in the rear view mirror.

    1. Anon - That was actually (more or less) the title and thrust of the unpublished post. I may still publish it, just as a historical note to look back on some day.

      History tells us that Republics (or democracies, as in Ancient Greece) are the most tender of the political plants in the garden. They are fragile unless carefully cared for. Sadly, this one seems to have been abused past the point of any return.

      Like you, I am at the point of simply asking to be "done" so I can figure out how to survive under whatever new regime awaits us.

  6. Ditto, TB.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. Linda, I do not wonder if there is a profound "center" - on both sides - that is simply done with the whole affair at this point.

  7. I'm with you, TB. To your comment to Linda... I'm pretty smack dab in the center, and I feel done. There seems no point in believing anyone (in politics, or media) anymore.

  8. My sentiments as well. For years I've heard "everything is about politics," only to finally conclude that, actually, nothing is about politics. Politics is only about one thing - power. It's just a big 'king of the hill' game. If one wants to guarantee that a problem never gets resolved, make it political. I've watched the insanity of a political party making a stand, only to run around to the opposite side of the issue just because the other party starts to agree with them.

    I think folks love the game, however, because human nature is basically competitive. Politics is the perfect venue for that, and when it becomes an addiction, all human decency is out the window for the sake of winning.

    Marx got it wrong. Religion isn't the opiate of the masses, politics is.


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