Thursday, July 11, 2024

One Score Less One Year Ago (Blogiversary)...

 ...which is a fairly inelegant way of saying "19 years ago" on 11 July 2005, The FortyFive sprang into existence.

As I have related before, the initial intent of this blog was something very different than what it eventually became.  At the time, I was in the midst of the final dissolution of The Firm, effectively incomeless and jobless and with a newborn third child (Nighean Dhonn)  and had no idea what the heck I was going to do for a living.  As much as anything, this was a venture into something which (in my head) would become some kind of grand writing exercise - for which, of course, I would generate income from and become some kind of wise blogger.

Well, the income never came.  As to the "Wise Blogger" portion, that is at least up for debate.

"The FortyFive", as some may recall, refers to the last of the Highland Jacobite Rebellions in which Bonnie Prince Charlie (Charles Stuart, the Young Pretender) attempted to regain the throne of England from 1745-1746 which culminated in The Battle of Culloden, the effective death of the Highland Clan structure.  In that sense - perhaps pre-cognitively - this blog was doomed as the sort of "deep thought current events" experience that I was envisioning.

That said, it simply became much different - and much more.

With this posting, I am currently at just below 5,100 posts and 21,200 comments (including my own responses of course, so halve that).  And while the writing long ago veered away from what I thought it would be, what it became was so much more:  a sort of portmanteau (Rod Dreher also uses this term; I quite like it) of things that really just interest me.  In a meaningful way it has become a sort of online journal, a travel log, serial fiction, and a place where I post general musings that are of interest to me.

Writing helps my thinking process tremendously as it turns out and writing things out and getting responses even more so.  Truly, at this point I cannot imagine a day going by without something being posted.

But perhaps the greatest thing that has happened - beyond just the discipline of writing - is the friends I have met along the road.

Some of them I have known for many years via this blog, some I recognize from posts and comments elsewhere, and some just stumbled upon me by means and ways I have no idea of.  They have enriched my life greatly and I almost always walk away with something to think about or ponder.

But blogs, of course, do not work without readers.  Beyond just the practice of the discipline of writing, the greatest thing I have gained is the fact that people read my writing - which is all any writer really wants.

So thanks for reading along, whether it has been for many years or just last week.  Thanks for commenting and thanks for making the Social Internet a real thing.  From the bottom of my heart I appreciate all of you.

On to twenty!


  1. Nylon128:13 AM

    Well, the thanks should be going your way TB, for keeping this blog going, it's an early morning stop along with a few others that helps set the day up, kind of a substitute for coffee you see. With all the disruptions happening in your family's lives during the last several years I don't know how you found the time to post but I'm greatly appreciative that it has happened......thanks.

    1. Thanks Nylon12! Glad to know I am almost on the same level as coffee! (High praise indeed!)

      Honestly, at this point it does not feel right if I do not write something daily or make sure that something is posted up, it has become that ingrained in my life.

  2. Congratulations, TB. Nineteen years is a long time in blogging terms.

    1. Thank you very much Sarge. I am too stubborn (or too stupid) to quite.

  3. Congratulations on the milestone! And here I thought "The Forty Five" might be a clue to where you live — the 45th Parallel is not far up the road from me, and your descriptions of the changing seasons are not unlike what I see out the window, so I figured you were somewhere else halfway between the equator and the north pole. I should have known the blog's name had more to do with a historical event. I enjoy checking in to see what's on your mind.

    1. Thank you Warren! I have admit your comment made me laugh - The Ravishing Mrs. TB would likely say "Of course it had nothing to do with anything sensible like that."

      I appreciate the support very much.

  4. I guess I'm one of the fortunate ones. I started off blogging coming up 21 years ago as a way to expand my daily journal entries and for the most part, that remains true all these years later. What I didn't expect was to collect a group of people who like to do the same thing and whom if we were ever tossed in a room together, would probably become pretty good friends. I also didn't know I would learn so much by reading about the lives of others.

    1. Ed, it has been remarkable to me how like has found like in this process. Yes, I do think that we could all be pretty good friends if in the same vicinity.

      And the learning about the lives of others - it has been both amazing and humbling. Not just in the how things are done, but in the what people have gone through and the information and support networks that come from that. It has been really helpful - arguably pivotal - in certain areas of my life. I cannot imagine going through my series of Hammerfalls or the experience of TB The Elder and Mom without having an outlet like this both to pour out my thoughts and get support.

  5. Congratulations, TB, and thanks for your insightful posts. I eschew what is known as social media, but I very much enjoy my blog friends. Always a pleasure to stop by, and kudos to you for keeping it going as long as you have.

    1. Thanks Bob! I will say that I would (in general) rate my blog friends above much of my Social Media, if for no other reason that we can have deeper thoughts and conversations.

      No-one is surprised than I am that I have made it this long.

  6. My turn to learn a new word. :)

    Congratulations on your successful long-term blogging. That's an accomplishment! More-so, because you always have interesting content. With interesting comments from obviously interesting readers. I have to say, yours is one of the blogs at the top of my list every day. Although, with your moving and posting on a different schedule, I always late in finding your new posts. (But that's just the way things are).

    1. It is a great word. I believe in the past I have heard it used in the sense of a suitcase, but I like it for just a collected set of things in general.

      Thank you very much (and especially that I have interesting content - sometimes, I find that hard to believe)! The readers are top notch.

      The moving, etc. has been confusing to me too. Hopefully we are back on the standard schedule.

  7. I learned a new word and some history. I'm slightly embarrassed to admit I hadn't even questioned where the title of your blog came from, TB. You have so many interesting and foreign-to-me things here, I just figured your blog title was one more, I guess.

    I do not remember how I came upon your blog. Since, at the time, most of my commenters were crafters, someone must have had your blog in a blog list on their blog (like I now do). I sometimes check those out, so that's what makes sense to me. I do know I read for quite a while before I got the courage to post a comment. lol. That strikes me funny now.

    I am just amazed that you have a blog post nearly every day. And your thoughts are so well put together. Congrats on your 19th Blogiversary!

    1. Thank you very much Becki! The Forty-five is a pretty obscure reference outside of the Scottish and people interested in Scotland. One of the foolish assumptions of trivia lovers is the assumption everyone also knows their trivia.

      Honestly, I think I found your blog via a comment you may have made here. I am so glad you did; your journey has been very helpful in working out my own with my parents.

      I, too, am often chary of making comments on the blogs of others - and then after awhile (for 99% of them) wonder why I did not comment earlier.


Comments are welcome (and necessary, for good conversation). If you could take the time to be kind and not practice profanity, it would be appreciated. Thanks for posting!