Monday, July 08, 2024

The Rabbits Have Landed

 We have safely arrived.

(The Bunnies at New Home 2.0)

The travel day "started" at 1600 or so, when I cleaned the rabbit enclosures (their cages were in New Home 2.0 already).  The rabbits knew something was up when their litterboxes did not come back into the cages after cleaning.  Joy got nervous as she always does; I-Bun just hopped around as he always does, fearless and looking for attention for himself.

Around 1745 the rabbits went into their carriers and we were off to the airport.  They tend to dig more into the towels in their carriers when we are going somewhere; they do not enjoy travel. At all.  

At the airport, checking in itself was not an issue - as I mentioned before, only two airlines in the US will take rabbits in the cabin: Alaska and Spirit.  We took Alaska Airlines; as the rabbits were already noted as pets on the ticket, it was not a big deal:  pay an additional $100 per rabbits and off you go.  The only proviso is they have to be in soft carriers.

(I-Bun and Joy in their new home.  Note the portable AC unit:  they live better than we do.)

TSA was only a bit of an issue:  The rabbits have to come out of their carrier and the carrier goes through the scanner.  The Ravishing Mrs. TB prefers that I hold them if possible.  I took Joy through the line, at which point the problem occurred:  I could not go back through and get I-Bun.  The resolution was to have her come through and sit with our luggage and Joy while I-Bun and I got to go to the private screening room where he was de-carriered and the carrier taken back to scan while I sat in their with a TSA agent. Everyone was super friendly and it was no big deal; one of the agents said this was the second pet scan she had that day for someone going to New Home 2.0.

(Joy says hi.  Also, send papaya pellets.)
After we got through security, we went to our gate for a short wait. Our plane was (of course delayed), so it was almost 30 minutes after we were supposed to board that we got on.  The rabbits were okay, although still agitated.  Joy is my bigger fear, as she is more sensitive.  

We just walked up for the pre-board with pets; no-one gave us any grief.  We got on, put the rabbits under the seat, and got ready to go.

The flight was a little over four hours.  I checked several times on I-Bun under my seat and The Ravishing Mrs. TB checked under hers for Joy.  The lack of noise and darkness helped a great deal and they seemed much calmer.  One recommendation that I had read was bringing wet lettuce for them to eat; I put a few leaves in.  I-Bun ate his right away.  Joy did not eat hers immediately, but it was gone by the time I checked the next day.  

If you think I was freaking out during this entire trip, you would be correct.

(The Mighty I-Bun)

By the time we got our luggage, got to the parking lot, and got home, it was after 0000.  The rabbits got put in their cages, litter boxes/food bowls/water bottles filled, and we went to bed around 0100.

I watched them like a hawk yesterday - rabbits tend to conceal issues that they have until they just keel over.  I even bribed them with lettuce, apples, and snacks - all of which they ate.  I am feeling relatively confident that we had a relatively successful trip.

Thank you all for your kind thoughts and well wishes.  I think the biggest stress point of the move is now successfully completed.


  1. Nylon127:36 AM

    To quote Bill & Ted, "Excellent!".... good news brings a smile TB, a loooong day though.

    1. Thanks Nylon12! The length of the day was a bit of a concern; I tried to keep the rabbits in their living quarters until just before we put them in the carriers but they knew something was up. Dehydration was my main concern, but all seems well.

  2. I've learned more about moving rabbits than I hope to ever need to utilize. I'm happy to hear it worked out for you.

    1. Thanks Ed!

      It is a pretty obscure knowledge base, but you are now fortified in the rather unlikely event you have to use it.

  3. Amen. Thank you, Lord, for a safe trip for all.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  4. Anonymous9:21 AM

    What wonderful news for all involved!! Thank you for the update, and thank You LORD for watching over those precious rabbits :-)

    1. Thank you Anon.! I am grateful for your prayers, it went just about as well as it could have.

  5. Anonymous10:20 PM

    In the collapse are the rabbits pets? Woody

    1. Woody, they are. And they or may not slightly resemble these two...

  6. So glad it went well. It's always worrisome transporting animals and always a relief when it's over. I'm guessing your new place is feeling more and more like a home!

    1. Thanks Leigh. It really did go better than I could have anticipated. And it is indeed nice to have someone to come home to.

  7. TB, I didn't realize that your rabbits were traveling with you in the cabin (if you explained that in the earlier post, nevermind me). I'm actually a little surprised that they are allowed to travel that way, but I'm glad for you that they could, and everything was okay in the end. By now, I imagine they are as content as can be in New Home 2.0. Cute picture of Joy. :)

    1. And I-Bun. :D

    2. Becki, animals can travel much more easily in the pressurized cargo hold in the plane, but there is no way I would do that to my animals (not only for the terror aspect, but the "if something goes wrong I cannot see them" aspect.

      About a week in and they seem to be adjusting really well to their surroundings.


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