Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Next Cycle Of The Ranch

 Friends, as you read this I am likely already on my way to the airport for a short (~ 36 hour) visit to The Ranch.  On the bright side, the flight now is much less than it used to be due to my relocation to New Home 2.0, a mere 1.5 hour direct flight instead of the not less than 4 hours that it had been before (with the almost inevitable "transfer").  On the less bright side, due to the change in my job situation, I can currently only spend weekends there for the current time (which involves balancing time gone, making sure the rabbits are provided for, and that rides can be found that can be found on a much shorter timeframe).  

It also means we are entering a new stage of The Ranch in my existence.

My goals traveling back now must be, by default, much more focused:  with what will only be a little over 30 hours onsite by the time travel to and from the airport is factored in, I need to organize a set of tasks that I will need to do, both on a monthly tempo as well as single items that will allow me to get the house cleared out (and ready for Winter). 

The other side of it, of course, is settlement of the estate.

There is not a specific timeline on this, other than likely we will need to have everything completed by the end of this tax year.  I have no idea what "everything completed" will look like, other than 1) The estate will need to be settled; and 2) Assuming we do get the house and property (no reason that will not happen at this point), there is a potential change in property tax assessment that will have to be addressed.  As it does not seem like we will be able to live there right away, we will need to investigate options.

This is a different phase that what has been happening for the last four years and indeed that change happened this year (although in yet another example of "God's Timing", I could not return home with guilt due to my mother's passing, which was a relief).  And likely it is a passing period as well until the next phase occurs - that phase, I am assuming, being "taking possession".

Still, even after a such a short period of not being there, it will be nice to be Home.

(Author's Note:  As part of the change after my mother passed and my regular travel ceased, we ended the Interweb Service to the house.  Phone coverage is spotty at best; responses will likely be delayed until a rather long wait on Sunday at the airport.)


  1. Well, the changes in your location, job, and travel time seem to have worked out pretty well. Perhaps not idea, but certainly workable. Sometimes, I find I can actually be more productive with less time and a good plan.

    1. Leigh, I really have no complaints and things have gone almost as good as they could have gone. With the conclusion of my niece's wedding last month we have entered a new cycle of how life is going to work. Like you, I am viewing the less time as an ability to focus on the things that need to get done over the next six months to move us onto the next phase.

  2. Nylon126:43 AM

    Ah, less time at The Ranch will require more focus perhaps although less travel time to there is a Good Thing (to quote someone). We are at the end of July and Winter is inexorable.

    1. It really is Nylon12. The fact that this is a doable weekend trip makes it not only less expensive but also something that can easily be accomplished in case I have to be down here more or there is an emergency. Part of what I need to do is get an assessment of what I really need to do between now and the end of the year.

  3. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Having managed 3 estates all I can say is lawyers have their own timetables. As far as taxes the executor of the estate will pay the taxes when due for 2024. And into 2025 until a title transfer. When you take title and it's recorded from that moment on taxes will be yours to pay. Usually property is the last piece of the estate settled. Any monies will be written and disbursed and then probate closed and filed with the court.

    1. We are working through a trust, but likely you are correct. Taxes in those parts comes due in two payments, one in November and one in February.

  4. Despite your peculiarities and insecurities, you get shit done! Being a "planner" with contingency options, I have no doubt, you will work things out to "things going almost as good as they could have gone" because that's just you.
    I'm a broken filtered old man, so, hope I didn't insult/offend you. I think I found you from someones side bar link during the Covidiocracy, so, feel like I know you. Wish I could have a sit down with you on Old Home's front porch, wives welcome.

    1. Aww, thanks T_M (no insult or offense taken). I hope so. I am trying to be a bit more disciplined about how I do things.

      I imagine we would have quite the conversation.

  5. Once you are living there, perhaps they have some sort of Homestead Exemption like Louisiana. Worth looking into when it actually happens.
    Be safe and God bless.

    1. Linda, I believe they do have something. That sort of thing is the next "phase" of the Operation.

  6. Off topic, but I feel compelled to say again what interesting commenters you have, TB. All of whom, of course, are drawn here by your content, and I think by your manner as well. I'd almost bet I get as excited as you do when a new commenter makes him/herself known. 😄

    God's best to you and your sister as you navigate the details of your continued relationship with the ranch.

    1. I say thank you, Becki, although I perceive I have very little to do with it. I am really quite blessed with the caliber and commentary of those that comment and those that read, but do not comment or comment occasionally (and yes, I confess I get excited as well when I "meet" someone new).

      Thank you for the good wishes. Having the physical part dealt with makes it easier to deal with the next part of it, which is likely to be equally grueling.

  7. To some extent, I'm sort of glad that I won't end up with a "Ranch" to deal with in my future. My father sold the homestead because he couldn't live there due to memories and it was just too much work to maintain. It will make dealing with the estate a much more clinical matter than emotional.

    1. Ed, I would not be lying to say that I am the one that is making this more difficult. My sister does not have the attachment I do to the land and thus the desire to keep it (and figure all of this out) lies squarely on me. In that sense, I have made my own issue.


Comments are welcome (and necessary, for good conversation). If you could take the time to be kind and not practice profanity, it would be appreciated. Thanks for posting!