Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Rabbit's Revenge

(Editor's note: Apologies, friends.  The day - and frankly the week - is getting away from me between work, the shortened work, and getting ready for Operation Rabbit Return this weekend.  Accept this offering in the humorous spirit in which it is intended.


  1. I hope it goes well, and that the bunnies like their new home!

    1. Leigh, I am hopeful too. This is actually maybe the most stressful part of the move. I am hoping to document how we got to this point on Saturday.

  2. Nylon127:55 AM

    Good luck with the Operation TB, there's a bumper crop of cottontails running around the yards hereabouts.

    1. Thanks Nylon12. I can use all the good thoughts and prayers I can get. This makes me pretty nervous.


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