Thursday, July 14, 2022

Gone Adventuring July 2022

 Yes, that is right friends.  As you are reading this, I and The Ravishing Mrs. TB are making our way to the airport.  For an actual adventure.

Well, really a four 5 day vacation.  But just the two of us. It is actually hard for me to remember the last vacation she and I went on by ourselves.  I would like to say it has been at least six years, but I may be rather sadly mistaken on that.  Suffice it to say, it has been a while.

Where are we going?  State secret of course - after all, if I tell it now, how will I have the joy of sharing pictures with you upon my return?  I can say 1) It is within the continental U.S., and 2) Involves a place or places I have never really been before (except as a fly through).

I have pre-set the posts for the next few days but as a result, responses may be a bit delayed.  Thanks for your patience and as always, I always happily suggest those good folks to the right of this post that do a very fine job of writing.

Be excellent to each other, and I will see you next week!


  1. Nylon125:40 AM

    The two of you enjoy yourselves TB. Will be waiting on the AAR.

    1. Thanks Nylon12! I am looking forward to it!

  2. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Have a great trip. Changing the view temporarily is great.

    1. It is. And I sorely need more than 1 day break completely free from my "life" as it currently stands.

  3. Stop by if you are in the area and have fun!

    1. Ed, although not in your neck of the woods this time, The Ravishing Mrs. TB does have a fair amount of family in the larger general vicinity. So who knows?

  4. Oh, enjoy your travels! Looking forward to the recapturing of it through sharing it with us.

    1. Thank you Lady Locust! Already in process and yes, very enjoyable.

  5. Yay! A vacation! Enjoy, and we'll all look forward to pictures later. :)

  6. Hope you are having a safe, fun trip! God bless!

    1. We are, Linda, thanks for thinking of us!


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