Wednesday, May 26, 2021

There Is Really Only Today

 Hat tip to Borepatch for sharing this.  I watched it at least five times.  As he said, do not let the title fool you.  It is really not about motorcycles at all.

There is really only today.


  1. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Yes, use your Time wisely because you can't buy more or get it back. It is a good reminder.

    1. Anonymous, I am completely surprised by how deeply I was moved by this. The comparison of the black white photos of them running across the beach as young men and taking the picture and the comparison to their current selves was a staggering reminder.

  2. Two things. First, they are driving on the wrong side of the road for Thailand. Not sure if film is mirrored or it was shot outside of Thailand. Second, I thought the entire time it was a trailer for a movie and was surprised to see it is more personal announcement to live life. Perhaps the U.S. needs to get on board and use tax payer dollars to make versions of these than say, waste money on gender studies in Afghanistan.

    1. Ed, I think it is actually in Taiwan - I got the impression they were recreating a motorcycle trip they took when they were all much younger.

      It did have the feel of a movie trailer, did it not? And it was actually an advertisement for a bank. That said, it would be nice if the U.S. government did more of exactly what you suggest - encouragement to live life, without any sort of other messaging.

    2. Anonymous9:17 PM

      If the US government could figure out a way to monetize and leverage power by encouraging the people to live life they would. For now they will stick with whats working for them. Fearmongering,lockdowns and big pharma big tech $$$$$

  3. That was an awesome commercial. I agree with the thought completely.

    1. Whoever conceived this probably did not make enough for doing it. May their tribe increase.


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