Wednesday, May 05, 2021

Beware The Fury...

 (Hat Tip:  Glen)


  1. One thing about being patient, I often received the crappiest most tedious jobs on the farm growing up. My dad only in recent years admitted how unfair that was but how good of job I always did when he would have gotten frustrated and quit.

    1. Interesting Ed. I am somewhat fascinated your dad recognized that both about himself and you.

  2. I still remember the day, or at least the task, I was doing when he admitted it. We were getting ready for the farm sale after mom died and my dad assigned me the task of replacing the interior padding in one of the cabbed tractors. It required taking off a million different pieces of trim and accessories, keeping track of all that and then putting it all back after replacing the padding. Took me most of a day to complete. I was apologizing for being slow when he admitted that the reason he asked me to do it was because I had enough patience to complete the task, even if it took a long time. Further reflection of my previous decades on the farm led me to conclude that he had realized that a long time ago.

    1. Wow Ed. That sounds like an immense task. Some people have the mind and attitude for it (this is something I quite struggle with).


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