Friday, May 28, 2021

TB The Elder And Mom: An Insurance Update

 A brief update:  We received the news this week that TB the Elder's Long Term Insurance has been approved.  Essentially, this means that for as long as he is still with us, his care will be paid for.  Thanks to all who prayed.

This is 50% of a significant burden removed from our shoulders (the other, of course, is getting my Mom's approved).  While they had planned for this even without the insurance and were relatively okay, long term it could have created some issues.  Now, even if we have to wait a bit more for my Mom's, things are a little less stressful.

We still need to argue with the insurance company, of course:  the first location my mother and father stayed at is still "under appeal", as it the current location for my mother.  Overall the first represent perhaps 4 months of their stay combined , but is almost $20,000.  So not an inconsiderable sum.

My sister, who has been really managing the process, is continuing to provide data and follow up with the insurance company, so any thoughts or prayers for her patience would be much appreciated.

We are making progress.  It just seems so very slow.


  1. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Congratulations on your victory, fighting the good fight. You and your sister are helping your parents out. They are lucky to have you both.

    1. Thank you Anonymous. It really does feel like a victory. It just bothers me that I also feel like we are having to hold people accountable for things they agreed to.

  2. Yep. And this is why people have no sympathy for insurance companies, and some are perfectly comfortable to use it as an pretext to defraud them. I am not one of the latter, but I understand their motivations and even sympathize with them somewhat. This kind of thing should be resolved wthin 48 hours. A week, tops. If there is a disagreement or an appeal - two weeks tops.

    Things like this can put people through an emotional wringer and the companies that do it should be punished.

    Errrrmmmm... I seem to have woken up on the wrong side of the bed today TB. Maybe I need to go stick my head down the toilet and flush a few times?

    Good to hear about you and your folks, old friend. Keep your chin up over there - sometimes the good guys DO win. ;) Keep your chin up over there!

    1. Glen, you are not incorrect that this is exactly why people have such poor views of insurance companies. I completely understand how the companies can get there - like you, I have seen insurance fraud and I can imagine you easily fall into the standard of assuming everyone is trying to steal from you. The maddening part is that after you present all that they have asked for, the wheels seem to slow down, not speed up. And yes, there is no recompense for that sort of thing - at best, financial recovery. But my sister can never get that time back.

      We all have our mornings Glen - I assure you that the calm and placid demeanor presented here is often not how I am in the mornings either.

      Having one of the current facilities now covered is a huge step forward. It really does relieve a lot of stress. It will probably all get worked out; it will just take a lot longer to do it than we thought.

  3. Glad to hear the good new about your dad's insurance has been approved! Good for your sister; dealing with insurance companies certainly takes patience and perseverance!

    1. SBRgirl, it really does. They almost seem to go out of their way to not accomplish things: multiple requested documents resent multiple times, calling my sister in the middle of her work day (when she has told them specifically she cannot talk then) and then not being able to contact them because of time difference, etc. I would like to not believe it is intentional, but it sure seems very convenient in a repeated manner...

  4. Good report, TB. You continue to honor your parents. Good on you.

    1. I am glad to have some good news to report for a change Bob!

  5. I'm in agreement with Glen that the insurance companies need to step up their response times. Nobody like waiting when health insurance becomes necessary.

    Congrats on the victor and prayers for another one with your mom.

    1. Ed, oddly enough the car insurance companies I have dealt with through the years have been extraordinarily quick about such things. Why health insurance companies are still operating in the 1960's is beyond me.

      The continued prayers are very much appreciated.

  6. There is a concept to apply here that I have passed on to many a student fighting the red tape for grants and scholarships: Clock your time! It may be irritating beyond despair at times, but take the hours you've put in (call it billable hours as the lawyers do), and, at the end of the day, or weeks as the case may be, and divide that time into the funds obtained/recovered. It's small compensation for your stress, but your time may end up worth a kings ransom!

    1. Greg, that is a great way to look at it. I can assure, the value over time for this victory will be a very significant financial gain (Unfortunately. Egads, the price of long term care...).

  7. I know this is a huge relief for you all. It's such a shame that our society ever headed down the insurance road to begin with. But, that's the way it is, so we have to learn how to play the game.

    1. It is Leigh. One wishes we had a more viable (and perhaps better overall system) in place. But yes, given the cards we have been dealt, we need to learn how to play - and indeed, master - the game.

    2. I'm happy for you & your sister, TB. Halfway there! Continued prayers...


    3. Thank you Hobo! The progress is dropping slow (as W.B. Yeats would say), but it is there.


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