Thursday, March 18, 2021

Read Hard, Read Well, Read Often

"For a long time also, we should read none save the best authors and such as are least likely to betray our trust in them, while our reading must be almost as thorough as if we were actually transcribing what we read.  Nor must we study it merely in parts, but must read through the whole work from cover to cover and then read it afresh, a precept which applies more especially to speeches, whose merits are often deliberately disguised." - Marcus Fabius Quintilianus (Quintilian), Institutio Oratia


  1. That is also the way to read the Bible. Read it often, deeply, ask the W's of passages you don't understand. Find out the context, read the parallel passages for insight.

    Don't dip and pick: Judas went out and hanged himself.... whoa, lets find something else.... Go thou and do likewise.... "It's true Karen, the Bible endorses suicide."

    1. Heh Heh. That is always the example given STxAR, and it is a good one for that very reason.

      It is one of the problems I have with so much of what passes for Bible teaching these days because it is exactly the same thing: pull a passage here, a passage there, with no continuity or sense of theme and purpose.

  2. All caught up! Glad your folks are on the mend..I was behind for a while and did not want to comment in case things might have changed. The posts from your folks place were wonderful. A* is very interested in the Wyeth People book..her fav painting is by Wyeth and we visited the farm in 2015. Sorry to hear about your funk too. I had to let go of 16 developers in of which was my old roommate and classmate and it nearly killed me and I left organizing others work and got back into doing again. It was hard telling people who worked hard for me that I no longer required their services when they had done great work. I could not control that and felt like I needed to control my own destiny more. Took a huge pay cut but am much happier and have been happy with the simplicity ( within reason ) with the choices. Not sure if I saw you mention it but I have been going through the book of the 5 rings and a passage caught my eye ' even if you strive diligently on your chosen path day after day, if your heart is not in accord with it then even if you think you are a good path from the point of view of the straight and true this is not a genuine path.' Relevant at all? Probably not;)

    1. Thanks EGB. It certainly seems like a long journey, although it is only about seven weeks. We are, hopefully, reaching a point of stasis.

      I think A* would enjoy the book, especially if she likes Wyeth anyway. It is such a labor of love - hand crafted, as it were. If you already appreciated him, I am sure you would get even more out of it.

      The Funk...yes, I am not sure about the time of year or what. My friend that I had to let go had worked with me on and off for 10 years and directly for me for 5; I am glad to be relieved of it. I could never do it again and be happy.

      I am familiar with that passage (is it in the Wind Book?), and as with most things about Musashi, it is operative on so many levels (how effectively a duelist could come to see to the heart of everything still continues to amaze me). It is relevant, I think to me at the moment, in that one has to make sure the path one is one is that path one is meant to be on. If you are on a path that your heart is not in, you will never ultimately succeed in a meaningful way.

  3. Yes, Wind Book. I have been surprised by it. Cheap 2ñd hand pickup. Take care!

    1. EGB, Musashi is by far the most approachable of the Japanese Martial Arts Writers. It really works on so many levels.

      If you like that, you might try to find Takuan Soho's The Unfettered Mind. He is a little harder than Musashi, but very elegant.


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