Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Alpacalypse and Llamageddon

 (HT to Borepatch, who inspired this silliness.  In this midst of a world gone mad, we should at least have a hearty laugh once in a while.)


  1. Or is it a hearty llaugh?

    And what about the mule who battled windmills?
    Everyone has heard of Donkey Ho Te!

    1. John, you are as incorrigible as I am. Well done!

    2. You cannot have just one bad pun.

      Groot took a trip through a sawmill and when asked how it went he replied, "I'm board."


Comments are welcome (and necessary, for good conversation). If you could take the time to be kind and not practice profanity, it would be appreciated. Thanks for posting!