Thursday, January 28, 2021

Window, Door, Pitchfork



  1. The environmentalist side of me has been enjoying some of the Currant Occupant's executive orders though the fiscally conservative side of me is pondering how much this will put us further in debt.

    1. Ed, I find myself torn. I find these sorts of things and their impact to be similar to my same complaints about the enforced business closures due to The Plague (and they are similar in that a government mandate directly impacts businesses by closing them down): It is very easy to close a business or economy down. It is very difficult to expand it, especially if you (as the government) have no responsibility for doing so other than a vague "pursuit of happiness" idea.

      I also have to say that the comments made by both the current Climate Czar and the proposed Secretary of Transportation - essentially that this people needed to find "new jobs" - to be some of the most tone deaf, arrogant, and insulting language I have heard. This is precisely the reason that conservation and the environment becomes a political issue instead of a unifying issue, because people treat and use it politically. Very disappointing.

      And, as you note, the debt. I have to tell you more and more, given my age, this is turning into a "not my problem anymore" moment.

    2. I think a real class act would have said that unfortunately we have to close down these pipeline projects but here are some guaranteed jobs preparing windmill base pads or solar farm prep work starting Monday if you can get there. But just saying jobs are available during a economic crisis is throwing them to the wolves.

    3. Agreed Ed. Outside of any actual improvements to the environmental or environmental policy, it smells all too much of pandering to a base and "solving" one problem while leaving the others solved.

      You cannot call for unity and then tear apart different portions of the people you are supposedly unifying.

  2. From your post title, I wondered if you were proposing a variation of rock, paper, scissors!

  3. That is very true. I truly believe Mother Nature has had it with us humans and sent a plague to teach us all a lesson. I'm sure that's an exaggeration though, but worth considering! :)

    1. Rain, I think it is fair to say that any system, when substantially stressed, reacts to protect itself. That said, I also think it is fair to say that with our practices of globalization and pretty lousy hygiene, we brought this on ourselves as well.


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