Sunday, January 13, 2019


"By faith in Christ a person may gain such sure and sound comfort, that he need not fear the Devil, sin, death, or any evil.  'Sir Devil' he may say, 'I am not afraid of you.  I have a friend whose name is Jesus Christ, in whom I believe.  He has abolished the law, condemned sin, vanquished Death, and destroyed Hell for me.  He is bigger than you, Satan.  He has licked you, and holds you down.  You cannot hurt me.'  This is the faith that overcomes the Devil."

- Martin Luther


  1. Amen and thank you, Lord, to that.

  2. Martin Luther: Such an example of sinner and saint in one person. Sometimes he got it very wrong. But often he got it very right.

  3. I have deep problems with ML and his endless line of successors of race baiters and coloured phonies and fakes. I am a race realist - I don't like it but the scientific mind is what it is. I am prevented from the darker side of that by my faith and the small family of blacks at our church. They are the nicest, most humble people I have ever met. There are complexities in life that demand we step outside of our sciences and ideologies at times and no bones about it.

  4. Martin Luther (not Martin Luther King Jr, in case there is confusion) was a man of his time (early 16th century). Some of his later invectives against the Jews were sincerely damaging and sadly used by the Nazis to justify their own racial policies. That said, there was a great deal that he got right.

  5. Martin Luther of the Reformation, TB? Sorry - I haven't gotten round to that in my studies yet...

  6. Glen - No worries friend, it is all good. But he is worth your time, at least as much as any other theologian. Started the Reformation and all.


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