Thursday, January 10, 2019

Struggling with 2019 Goals

I have not yet finalized my goals for 2019.  This is unusual for me.

I find myself caught in a double bind.  Typically I tend to over select goals, listing far more than I could ever hope to achieve and then feeling let down at the end of the year when I have not accomplished the majority of them.  On the other hand, if I list a very few goals I somehow feel that I am not trying to be ambitious enough in using my time and talents - or that I am missing the possibility of making real progress in something because I am aiming "too low".

I have whipsawed back and forth on these for the last month and have not yet come to a meaningful conclusion - but I have to (after all, the new year is already upon us).  What I think might be a meaningful compromise is to select 5 primary goals for the five areas (Rule of Five) and then five secondary goals - if I complete a primary, I can then move to a secondary.  But that would still leave no more than 10, which would be pretty amazing if all accomplished (or I could make tertiary goals, although 15 just sounds a bit silly).

But I really must do something.  The year is rapidly slipping by.


  1. Just start with what you have and add or subtract as the year moves along.
    Spontaneity is just as fun as variety for the spice of life. :)

  2. I agree with Linda; simply resolve to IMPROVE.

  3. Linda and Pete - You are both quite right, of course. Spontaneity has done a lot in my life. I would just like to look back and say at least in some sense, I accomplished the things I set out to do this year.


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