Sunday, January 21, 2024

God Knows Our Situation



  1. I like that one.
    You all be safe and God bless, TB.

    1. Linda, I need to re-read my C.S. Lewis this year and re-acquaint myself with him. His works are full of gems like this.

  2. If we had to depend on ourselves only, there would be no hope at all. But we're only alone when we make it so.

    1. Oddly enough John, we are often most hopeless when we hope only in ourselves.

  3. This reminds me of a recently watched news clip on Detroit and it's slow rebound. The newsman interviewed two people, one who established a business in a run down part of town and how it is slowly bringing it back to life. The other interviewee was a lady complaining that all the money was being spent in other parts of town but not hers. There was little will on her part to overcome her situation.

    1. Ed, one of the things that underlies a lot of progress is simply the will to do something instead of nothing. I think in a lot of ways Americans have gotten used to someone else doing it for us in any variety of fields.

      Said another way, people that are not doing anything will always be moved aside by the people that are doing something.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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