Monday, January 08, 2024

Frozen Wonderland

Driving up to The Ranch after arriving on Saturday, I started to see snow on on the tops of cars.  The Ranch is usually below the average snowline; I was pleasantly surprised to see this when I arrived:

It was much less than an inch and had stopped by my arrival.

The magic happened overnight though, when everything froze:

The snow was gone by the middle of the afternoon, but made for a beautiful arrival gift.

Sunlight breaking over the trees:


The views here never get old.


  1. Snow is beautiful. I ponder how few poets write about the sublime pleasures of shoveling 6-12 inches of soggy snow.

    Now off I go after I finish up my first cup of coffee to do some more snow removal as so me and mine can leave the house, maybe tomorrow.

    1. To be fair Michael, I do not know that many poets also post about any sort of physical labor, or even labor at all. I also note that this extends to almost any task; I struggle to think of a poem or paean to releasing a batch or selling a car.

      That is possibly because either 1) People do not find such commonplace and sometimes dreary tasks as worthy of poetry or art, which is a shame; or 2) We do not encourage people to write poetry and make art enough.

  2. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Man, that is beautiful. Thank you for sharing those photos of your ranch.

    1. You are welcome. It is a great joy to be able to share such things, and truly one of the things I think my father would most enjoy knowing, that so many people got to enjoy the view.

  3. Everything looks like crystal after a freeze. :-)
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. It really did Linda - that is why it enchanted me so.

  4. Nylon1210:54 AM

    Photos show what it looked like the past two morning here, good for tracking the neighborhood critters as they go about their business. Got more coming down as I type, nice selection of photos there TB.

    1. Nylon12, ours was a one and done. Most of it melted by end of day, although there is a small remainder where the sun did not fully get.

      It was a little too frozen for local critters, although the bear poop looks nice with a crust of ice crystals.

  5. Beautiful photos TB, it looks about the same here, though it'll all melt this week as we're expecting rain!

    1. Thanks Rain!

      It was sunny today as well, and it is all gone except for the shaded portions. Rain in theory later this week.

  6. As I type this, we are within a couple hours of the beginning of a snow-pocalyptic situation if weathermen are to be believed. We are supposed to get more snow in the next 24 hours than we did in nearly the last two years followed with a day of 40 mph winds and then 10 days of below freezing temperatures. Oh, and after this snow event, we have another, just as big, heading our way a few days from now. Seems like winter is finally here.

    1. Best of luck Ed! I have been following the weather as well. Hopefully it is not as bad as they are proposing - sounds like here, last year.

  7. We are about 9 to 10 inches in thus far and supposed to snow the rest of today for another 4 to 5 so it is panning out as promised. What worried me more were the 40 mph winds forecasted for today. Wind and snow aren't a good thing on the plaines and can create serious problems. But the first 10 inches I cleared this morning was very wet and unlikely to blow except for during a hurricane or tornado. Perhaps we will just get out of this round with a lot of snow.

    1. Glad to hear it is not worse, Ed (at least to date).

      A total of 14 to 15 inches would be unusual in either places I live (although last year during our storm I believe we were a bit under 2'). The biggest danger here (as we do not get the high winds) is the snow lingering on and breaking tree branches and pulling down trees.


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