Friday, January 26, 2024

Gone Training 2024 Edition


Friends - As you are reading this, I am on my way to Japan for a week of training in Iaijutsu.

I am excited to be able to go train - for those of you that are newer, the last time we were able to go to Japan for training was January/February of 2020 before the arrival of The Plague (in an interesting course of events, the first cruise ship with Plague sufferers arrived in Japan during our stay - a foreshadowing of the next two years).  So it has been almost four years to the week since we have been able to go.

This will be a shorter session than others have been in the past - 4 days full days. But when we train, we train:  up at 0400, training from 0500-0700, breakfast at 0700 and a small break, training from 0900-1200, lunch and a small break, training from 1400 - 1600/1700.  Shower at 1700, dinner at 1800. Most everyone is in bed by 2000.  On top of this training, we will have some additional training at the honbu (parent dojo).

Sightseeing time will be limited (it usually is).  Usually we try to take in at least one site while we are in Tokyo, often Asakusa with its Senso-ji Temple, as there is a marketplace and sword store there as well.  That said, we are also bound by the available time and being sure we get back to the airport (as the tourist time is usually at the end of the visit).

As usual, I have left a series of posts in my absence.  Although I will have computer with me (job hunting and all), responses will still be delayed as I will be 14 to 17 hours ahead of all of you in the United States - strangely enough, even though I am "in the future", it still does not help me foresee anything.

I would say "mind the rules" but since I have the best commenting and reading group on the Inter-Web, I have no concerns whatsoever.

I laugh a bit as I go, for while this job has been completely paid for by Product (A)Isle, this will be the second time in the space of a year that I have traveled without having a job.  I do not know this is the habit I want to get in, but paid for is paid for and I am going.

Be good, do good, and I will see you all on the other side!


  1. I'm so glad it worked out for you to go. Providence! Is it a large group? Same people as before? I think Japan would be a wonderful place to visit.

    1. Leigh, I think it will be a smaller group this year, but mostly the same people.

      Japan is amazing. Sadly, we do not get as much time to play "tourist" as I might like due to coming specifically for training.

  2. Filthie7:23 AM

    I get the sportz aspect of the trip… but I’d have to go just once to see the sights. That’d be a puzzler too…where to go? There’s so much going on everywhere over there. Maybe one of the small historic coastal fishing towns…

    1. Glen, I would like to come back to see the sights as well. Honestly, we can in 1997 and did a lot of Tokyo and Kyoto. We took a short trip up north - were I to come again, I would spend more time North and South.

  3. Nylon127:50 AM

    Safe travels TB and am expecting a complete AAR.........:)

  4. Get your "Fruit Ninja" on!

    1. That made me chuckle Ed. That is a reference I have not heard in a long time.

  5. Safe travels, TB. God bless.

  6. Enjoy & safe travels! :-)


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