Sunday, July 30, 2023

Going Abroad

 "I always say to young people who are going abroad to study, 'Go if you want to, but be careful not to lose your faith; take only their expertise.  And mostly importantly, do not forget to come home, to our Homeland.  Greece is waiting for you.  You owe her your help.  Stay close to the Greek people.  Help all those poor souls who would otherwise have to go overseas to find a doctor or a specialist.  Be very careful not to let your hearts grow cold.  The Europeans are cold people. And the United States of America is only for becoming wealthy in material goods and becoming spiritually bankrupt.'"

- Paisos the Athonite, With Pain and Love for Contemporary Man


  1. At first I thought it was hard to argue with the last sentence; but I think there are still good and spiritual people in America.
    Thanks, TB.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. Linda, I think you are right.

      This was likely originally commented on by Paisos between the 60's and the 80's. I always find it interesting how other people see us.


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