Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Indecision And Wrong Decision



  1. Between Cicero, the Bible and Heinlein a lot of what troubles me is answered.

    Pity is then you have to do something about it.

    1. That is always the rub, Michael. The whole "I give advice to others, but never feel I need to take my own".

  2. I can definitely attest to that.
    Thank you, TB.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. You are welcome, Linda - and yes, I can attest to it as well.

  3. I guess I haven't ever been indecisive. I generally just think things over, do the research, make the decision and then live with the consequences. I rarely guilt myself over bad decisions because I always feel as if I made the best choice I could at that time with the information available. But I've known indecisive people before.

    1. Ed, I am pretty much the opposite: I dither, consider multiple different points of view, and divert. In the past at least, I have often preferred not making a decision to making one, even a bad one. I am working on this.

  4. Was he saying he waited too long to flee Rome?

    1. Cicero had the same problem as Seneca: great writer, great thinker, not so great at actually implementing what he wrote. One would think if he was saying he waited too long to flee Rome, he had to write this in the very short time before Rome caught up with him.


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