Sunday, February 12, 2023

[You Are] God

Father, all powerful and ever-living God,
we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
You [O Father}, with your only begotten Son and the Holy Spirit are God.

[You are] God, one and immortal;
[You are] God, incorruptible and unmoving;
[You are] God, invisible and faithful;
[You are] God, wonderful and worthy of praise;
[You are] God, strong and worthy of honor;
[You are] God, most high and magnificent;
[You are] God,  living and true; 
[You are] God, wise and powerful;
[You are] God, holy and splendid;
[You are] God, great and good;
[You are] God, awesome and peace-loving;
[You are] God, beautiful and righteous;
[You are] God, pure and kind;
[You are] God, blessed and just;
[You are] God, tender and holy.

[You are] God, not in the singularity of one person but in the trinity of one substance.

We believe you;
We bless you;
We adore you;
and we praise your name forever more.
[We praise you} through [Christ] who is the salvation of the universe;
through [Christ] who is the life of human beings;
through [Christ] who is the resurrection of the dead.

Through him the angels praise your majesty;
the dominations adore;
the powers of heaven tremble;
the virtues and blessed seraphim concelebrate in exultation;
so grant, we pray you, that our voices may be admitted to that chorus, in humble declaration of your glory...

- Preface to The Eucharistic Prayer from The Stowe Missal (written 790 - 820 A.D) County Dublin, Ireland, as quoted by Thomas O'Loughlin in Journey On The Edges:  The Celtic Tradition (2000:  London; Darton, Longman & Todd)


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