Tuesday, February 07, 2023

An Odd Dream - Church Restoration

 I am not a great "believer" in dreams.  They happen:  most of them I forget upon awakening, a very few I remember.  Even fewer of those impact me upon awakening.

It is not that I discount the potential of dreams.  Can God communicate through dreams?  Certainly.  I know people that would swear to you that He has.  Can the unconscious mind process information through our dreams in a way the conscious mind cannot?  That sounds reasonable to me, although I am conscious of the fact I do not have the background in neurology to assert that (extra points if you get the pun!).  Do I believe that dreams tap into a larger energy, a stream that moves forward and back in time, giving us visions and insights?  Well, not precisely yes - although even I have had more than one deja vu experience for which I can directly correlate to a particular dream.

So when I have the same dream twice in a night - and remember it - this is something worth taking note of.

In this case, both dreams (from Sunday night) involved the restoration of a church.

In some ways, it was a very vague dream.  It was definitely a church (as opposed to another building or a cathedral).  It was definitely a church made of stone.  It was definitely not in the United States - my sense was that it was in Europe, although why I cannot say.

But what was very clear - very clear from my impression - was that I was there to restore the church. I needed to.  That was my job.

One place I go when such dreams happen (and I actually remember them) is Dream Moods, which has various dream images and their "interpretations".  From the site, with relevant notes:

Church:  "To dream that you are inside a church suggests that you are seeking for spiritual enlightenment and guidance.  You are looking to be uplifted in some way.  Perhaps you have made some past mistakes which have set you back on your path towards your goals.  With proper support, you will get on the right track again.  Alternatively, the dream may also mean that you are questioning and debating your life path and where it is leading.  You are re-evaluating what you want to do."

Fixing (closest thing I could find to restoring):  "To dream that you are fixing something indicates that you need to re-evaluate and rethink a situation or relationship in your life."

Stone:  "To see a stone in your dream symbolized strength,  unity, and unyielding beliefs.  Look at the shape, texture, and color of the stone for additional significance.  If the stones are rough, then it represents your quest in recognizing and developing your self-identity.  Part of this quest is to also become aware of your subconscious and hidden thoughts. To place a circle of stones around yourself (maybe a restored stone church?) suggests that you are channeling a higher energy.  You are contemplating an important decision."

Now to be fair, I have spent a lot of time recently reading up on Romano-British/Anglo-Saxon history, so the fact an old church that needs restoring shows up may not be quite as mysterious as it might seem.  My mind has been on "old things" a lot recently.  

Still, it is rare that I wake up from the same dream theme twice in one night and have a strong memory of the dream and some sense that the dream actually meant something.


  1. Nylon126:20 AM

    Job evaluation time along with New Home and Old Home issues.....looking for guidance and making an important decision perhaps? Restoration? Other posters with greater brainpower than mine will help you out TB.

    1. Maybe, Nylon12? I literally have no idea - and to top it, the theme of church showed up again last night in an entirely different context.

  2. I need to head over to that site to interpret my favorite dream of all time. I was in the back seat of a car full of friends playing "Smoke On the Water" on a guitar. As the song progressed, strings kept breaking but the sound kept getting better. I woke up from that one dying to go back and finish it to the end.

    1. Ed, I have to admit it is kind of fun. Some of the things they write that things dream symbolize are, well, "innovative"...

  3. I hope you find out what yours was saying. That does sound intriguing.

    My ex put great stock in dreams. Her's were technicolor nightmares that would have made us rich if I could have written them into movies. And would probably have tripled the amount of therapist appointments in the country. Horrific stuff. Every night.

    I know that I dream, but I never remember them. If I do, they are usually very emotionally charged. I can call to mind only a few. I don't try to interpret them. I usually blame eating pizza too late at night. ;)

    1. STxAR, I almost never remember mine, so when I do, and especially when it happens twice in the same night, I am curious.

      Although I also agree with you that many of mine may also be caused by evening snacking...

  4. Anonymous3:46 PM

    2 Chronicles 7:14 provides the answer.

    The verse is about 'my people', them who are chosen by God. He declares, they are my people and I am their God.

    At the time this verse was written, his people was the children of Israel (Jacob). By the sacrifice and resurrection of his son, the gentile are grafted in to the people. The faithful are co-heirs with the son of God.

    The church; that is, the body of believers, has been so important and instrumental, nay, elemental, in Western civilization that even non-believers readily admit that they are glad for the presence of Christians.

    Hardly any today will deny the decay of the church. This is frightening to believer and non-believer alike. The church healed, rid of corruption, will encorage and strengthen all people
    However, we are under the dispensation of grace. No age lasts forever. Time is running out. It is to our own benefit that the church be restored.

    Repentence and prayer are required. God has promised. To avail his promises, we must work to restore ourselves to him. We rebuild.

    1. Anonymous - It had occurred to me as well that it might be that straightforward. But if it is - frankly - why me? I am literally a nobody who keeps a blog, practices Iai, volunteers to save rabbits, and tries to save bits and pieces of Western Civilization. But that is all.

  5. About once a week I dream I'm at work. Ugh.

    1. John, I flat laughed out loud at this. Thank you for the evening levity.


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