Saturday, February 11, 2023

Odds And Ends: Review Update And A Trip

 Review Update:

Well, really a partial update as due to the magic of the InterWeb (which apparently has "locked" my review from my viewing until some period of time to be determined in the future)...

Much less of an event than I feared.  As with previous years, no salary increase, Cost of Living adjustment or elsewise (as longer readers may recall, my salary was "frozen" when I switched positions) - which is fine as even with accounting for such things, I could probably go the rest of my working life and still be in the positive.

I also received a bonus, which was reasonably unexpected. Me being me of course, there is already a calculator for how to distribute it after taxes (to be fair, there were multiple calculations based on potential amounts).  More interestingly, there is a base bonus range mentioned for next year as well, which means that as least part of the conditions of my change in positions - "no more bonus for you" - has been rescinded.  Perhaps I am off super-secret double probation.

Other than that, the five minute sort of review that one expects from an excellent manager as it has already all be said before this:  good job, keep up the good work, here is to next year.

I also got another tranche of stock options - not amazing in and of themselves, but at our current price, a little movement could go a long way.  So here is hoping.


As one of the ongoing preparations which is ongoing at An Taigh na Thoirdealbheach Beucail for a potential move, The Ravishing Mrs. TB has made it a goal to go places in the larger New Home that she has not been to before we leave (at some unspecified date in the future).  About three weeks ago she approached me and asked "When was the last time we went somewhere for Valentine's Day"?

My first thought, of course was "Well, I missed another major holiday" - but after quieting my panic with a quick view of a calendar and firmly reminding myself I needed to buy a card soon, rather that wait for the leavings on the day of, I considered the question. To be honest, I could not think of the last time that we had specifically been somewhere for Valentine's Day, or really any other major possibly romantic themed holiday.  A lot of years of marriage and children will do that to you.

So, as turns out, we are taking a pre-Valentine's overnight trip.

It is a short one - about 1.5 hours from where we are in a town where there are likely some things to do, but perhaps not enough to fill an entire 1.5 day dance card.  I have already been forewarned to bring something to do as the town likely rolls up it's sidewalks at 5 PM (if only I had a book or three to bring with me - oh wait:  I do).   

It is odd - this now makes the second time in a six month period that we have taken a trip by ourselves out of town for a few days.  I think I remember doing this more regularly, once upon a time.  Interesting how all that is old can become new again.


  1. That's nice news about your review. I think anticipation is the worst part.

    I really like Mrs. TB's goal. In most places I've lived, I saw very few of the local sites and regretted that in later years. Her plan seems like an excellent way to enjoy new things while slowly shifting mindset about the future.

    1. Thanks Leigh! I tend to work myself up over these things, although given my past history it is not unwarranted.

      The Ravishing Mrs. TB enjoys traveling and seeing things and is much more disciplined about it than I. I am literally along for the ride.

  2. Nylon126:55 AM

    Nice to hear the good news on the review, a good manager doesn't wait to give feedback for positive performance. Hey, roadtrip!

    1. It is good news, Nylon12. My rule as a manager was that my employees should never be surprised about their review.

      Roadtrip. Once, there was a time where one would just wake up and decide it was "Roadtrip XXXday". Where did those days go?

  3. Very nice news on the review. If it's a rough one, a sandwich of good news, poor, good makes it a little easier. Stocks options and a bonus?? Wow. Care to adopt an old man?? ;)

    Roadtrips... my ex used to have two rough times a year. Fall and Spring. She'd had some bad times in her past and there was a real "anniversary" effect as a result. I decided the best way to get through them was to make them something to look forward to. So, I got my daughter to pack an overnight bag for her and stash it in the car. Then I blew in one Friday and said, hey, lets go eat hamburgers at this place I just saw. I went through small town after small town and said, nope, not here.... Until we got to a little motel with cabins on the river. She was shocked when I pulled her overnight bag out of the back seat. She opened the door and saw rose petals and a bottle of bubbly. It worked like I hoped.... No TV either.... Over a few years of that, anticipation replaced the dread until the bad memories were gone.

    "If I tell you not to think about the number 5, you can't help it. Unless you start to think about the number 6."

    1. STxAR, sadly I still have one fully supported tax deduction - but will definitely keep you in mind!

      That was a very creative addressing of the issue. An excellent way to replace bad memories with good ones.

  4. Good review, and a bonus.

    Even better is your upcoming Valentine's trip with your Life Manager.


  5. Just a couple days ago, I was listening to a radio news piece on a company who had much different pay practices than I was used to. The owner said that not only did they try to pay competitive levels for their industry, but they actively encouraged their employees to receive other offers and then come to him so he had an opportunity to match them before they left. He said it paid dividends as his workforce was very experienced and dedicated to his company.

    Every company I have worked for, my best pay raise was switching jobs to the next company.

    We have done quite a bit of local vacationing over the years. Sometimes just getting away from the norms of home is enough to create that vacation feeling.

    1. Ed, the standing joke in my industry - and it has been for the 25 years of my time in it - is the fastest way to get promoted or a salary increase was to move. It is still true.

      That sounds like an interesting practice, and would build extreme loyalty I suspect. We are often creatures of habit; if we do not have reason to make a change, we will not. Looking for a new job is disruptive and the thought of having to readjust one's life is a task. When you have reached the point that you make people look for a new job, you have almost guaranteed they will leave.

      We had a lovely time. It was actually mildly surprising to me.

  6. Glad your review was satisfactory. I was not aware of the absence of a pay increase, but it sounds like you're OK with that and grateful for the bonus and stock. I keep working for all of that, trying to build up the retirement cushion as much as possible.

    We got engaged on Valentine's Day, probably a big mistake on my part as there are double expectations, which I rarely meet. I'm just not much on days. The dates my parents and brother passed away always come and go before I realize it, but I argue that I don't miss them anymore on those days than any others. My wife, on the other
    hand, is aware of all of them, and will sometimes say, "This was a rather hard day because remember, this is the day such and such happened or so-and-so died," which of course I did not remember. Oh well. Mars and Venus.

    1. Thanks Bob. The "no pay raise" was part of the change in position; the "no bonus" was something that they have been willing to change. I am grateful.

      Wow - I struggle enough to remember my wedding anniversary and The Ravishing Mrs. TB's birthday. The children's birthdays are a bonus. Other than that, like you, I fear I am forget quite a lot.

  7. Reviews from good bosses are easy. Bad bosses surprise you.

    1. John, very much agreed. My last boss surprised me 180 degrees. To this day, I am still 100% wary of any review.


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