Monday, February 27, 2023

A Walk In The Snow: Part II

One of the amazing things to me about snow is how it turns objects and places I see all the time into bizarre shapes and works of art.


  1. Good pictures, TB. I grew up where lots of snow is common, but living farther south now, I've come to appreciate it as an aesthetic novelty.

    1. Thank you Leigh!

      "Aesthetic novelty". Yes, that is it exactly. It is like the fall colors in the Northeast: great if you see it once in a while, miserable if you have to rake up after it.

  2. Nylon127:46 AM

    Nice shots there TB, ah....that sky....gloomy and not much color on a gray day. Makes for a quiet day until you hear the noise of the first vehicle somewhere in the distance.

    1. Thanks Nylon12! These were taken on Friday around 2 PM local time, so not much traffic to be heard.

  3. I will echo what has been said, good photos and as I said before. I can hear the tranquil quiet.
    If the bell visible in the top photo was made by the Crystal Bell Company, we might have its sibling here.

    1. Thank you John! It was terrible quiet.

      I will have to check the bell specifically next time I am out, but that would be super cool!

  4. I always enjoy the insulative sound properties of snow. I never tire of seeing things covered with a fresh coating of snow. It is just the days afterword where the snow looks dirty and tired that I mind.

    1. Ed - Uisdean Ruadh and I were discussing the very same thing on our walk on Thursday and also thought it was the insulative nature that deadened the noise (also, that there were less people and animals out in general). I almost always hate to walk through the fallen snow as it somehow ruins the look.

    2. Exactly Ed. One of the most magical attractions of cross country skiing for me is that once you're fifty yards away from the road, you're in the middle of dead silent, wonderful solitude.

    3. Greg, were I to live in a place that had snow on a regular basis, cross country skiing sounds wonderful.

  5. Lovely spring weather! Beautiful. That anvil asked to come do some work at my house. It wants to ring again and build stuff. I have a place for it if gets a bus ticket!

    1. Right STxAR? Hard to believe March is just around the corner.

      The anvil actually does get some use from The Cowboy from time to time.


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