Thursday, May 19, 2022

Your Lack Of Dedication

Occasionally quotes flow through my Instagraph account that speak to me.  This was such a quote.

I am not always the most dedicated person.  I have a tendency to laziness that is amazing.  I tend to lose interest easily, especially when I am struggling at accomplishing something.

And yet...

And yet, there are people that believe in me.  People that believe in a better me than I think I actually am.  People that have given of themselves - be it time, be it talent, be it support - because they believe the see something in me.  Something that sometimes I claim I do not see.

I had never thought of this so clearly before.  But strikes a chord in me.  Just like giving a gift to someone that does not care insults the giver, so does my lack of dedication - in all of its forms - insult those that have seen and invested in me.

It is a humbling - and purifying - thought.


  1. Anonymous7:48 AM

    I’ll move over so you can share that humble bench with me (and many more)


    1. Indeed Franknbean. It is a good reminder.

  2. Nylon128:26 AM

    That's a quote that sinks in and stays there. Ran across another one last week...."The older I get the more clearly I remember things that never happened"......seems to apply to a lot of politicians these days. I got a good chuckle out of it.

    1. That is exactly the effect it had on me, Nylon12. It hung on all day until I had to write about it.

      Your quote is very apt as well. It is interesting to me that as I get older, I sometimes have to parse out what I think happened versus what actually happened.

  3. Anonymous12:16 PM

    It also makes me realize how often I insult God with the thoughts that are in my head. -Kelly (IG is my happy place. I do not follow anything that doesn't bring me joy)

    1. I as well Kelly (And yes, IG seems to be the least offensive of all the social media. Mostly pictures, and pretty easy to opt out of things).

  4. Since I am not feeling any energy today as I recover from yet another thyroid surgery; I will just say be safe and God bless you all.

    1. Prayers up for you of course Linda.

    2. Thank you, TB. Been different this time. I praise God for the success of the surgery.

  5. I am 2nd born son. First born is very much like dad and a Type A personality. I am not. I am a doer but not to level of brother. I am more an absorber of knowledge, including the arcane and trivial.

    It was only into my adulthood that I realized that why dad 'picked on' me was he had great expectations of me. My regret is if I had only better understood, if only he had communicated so I understood. I understand that's a helluva thing to ask of him, he being occupied with providing for six others, plus integrating the poo which comes after separation after 22 yrs military service.

    Not excuse, simply realization. Your focus is not on finally realizing, but that you did realize with time left.

    1. Rick, I have had the same experience. For example, in Iaijutsu I get the most corrections - not only because I am the longest practicing student in the dojo, but that my Sensei believes I am capable of more.

      Communication, especially with fathers, is hard. I am going through the same set of realizations as I continue to walk through my life with the lens of looking back on my relationship with my father (especially now that due to his stroke he cannot really speak, I am largely left with memories). In some ways literally the last six months before he had the stroke I came to realizations about who he was - and how that impacted how I was raised - that made sense of certain things.

      Indeed, simply realization - and the knowledge that there is still time to do better.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  6. And the flip side: your lack of dedication is a victory for those that oppose you.

  7. This post and the comments are sobering and thought provoking. I'll just leave it there so I can keep thinking and sobering up.

    1. It is sobering Becki. It has certainly given me a lot to think about.


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